
Now she has a boyfriend shes a bore. ?

by  |  earlier

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basically, a good friend of mine who i work with was desperate recently to find a boyfriend. now she has found a chap. he is a nice lad and generally seems ok. but unfortunately, he is beginning to impinge on our social life. Me and my friend used to often go out for drinks together all the time and have a great laugh chatting to men, not to seduce them just to have a laugh but since hitching up with her boyfriend our usual conversation that used to be about men, clothes, make up and people we know has since evaporated and all i hear now is 'oh isnt luke lovely' 'luke said this' 'im stopping at lukes tonight' dont get me wrong i dont mind her talking about her boyfriend occasionally but she talks about nothing else. As well, she demands we go on nights out, then begs me not to leave her so i dont have a chance to talk to any other men which would mean i could possibly find a bf of my own and i wouldnt feel so out of it when she goes on and on about hers! The final straw came when she introduced me to one of her bf's mates with the hope of 'setting us up' as soon as i met him i could tell straight away he wasnt my type. nothing wrong with him, very nice boy, just not for me which i basically told her. last night was bank holiday and S****y though it may be i fancied a bit of male attention but low and behold we ran into her boyfriends mate and he tagged along with us for the night which again, i didnt mind. However, my plans for flirting were scuppered when he went to the toilet and she said to me 'ohhh he realli likes you so dont go off with anyone else and rub his face in it' so basically i had to sit all night with them when i could have been on the hunt for a man who i found attractive myself. As well, i get the feeling that she pretends to me that her fella is alot more into her than he actually is. for example last night, she got a text on her phone and she was like :o and i goes 'whats wrong' and she says 'lukes just texted me and said he wants a baby' and is constantly telling me all sorts of far fetched stories like this. the final, final straw came when last night 2 hours before kicking out time at 12 she says 'oh luke has said we can all go back to his.' now luke lives about 15 minutes away from the pubs and clubs. so me, my friend and her bf's friend who had been drinking with us got in a taxi and went to lukes house which again i didnt mind as long as we were continuing the drinking and the partying. however, when we arrived at lukes his house was in darkness and his car wasnt there. His mate rang him and asked where he was and luke said he was at work and had had a busy night on saturday night and so was tired now and didnt want us waiting for him when he got back which i thought was fair enough. however my friend burst into tears then stomped off, probably because she realised she'd been caught telling fibs. im bloody annoyed with the whole situation. what can i do?




  1. you need to calm the fuuckk downn. and its her life, if she really likes this guy you dont need to worry about it or try to get her to stop seeing him. she probly doesn't realize that its getting on your nerves and bothering you or whatever. try talking to her about it, find someone new to go out drinking with, and say no whenever she asks you to. and if its really that bad then just drop her as a friend.

  2. oh my God.  That's your friend's life leave the girl alone will you.  After seeing this long story of yours, no wonder your friend has to make up lies to impress friends like you who wants to know everything so they can put it on the internet.  

  3. Its part of growing up and settling down.. girls usually drop their friends first, then regret it later, so appreciate if she still do'es bother with you..

  4. Ah, it's the old "lonely friend finally finds a mate and ditches you" routine. She'll probably be like this for a few months, at least. People who aren't secure in themselves latch onto their lovers at the expense of their friends, because they're very lonely and afraid to lose this person. Her far fetched stories aren't something for you to laugh at; they're a testament to how lonely and sad she is. Please try to understand your friend. She's going to look back on this and realize how stupidly she acted, but for now all you can do is back off a little and try to make a few new friends. Don't ditch her, but understand that she's being immature and so are you. The guy will probably be gone in less than a year and you'll have your old friend back. However, is this person really a friend? If so, stick it out. If not, move on.

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