
Now tell what is it that I'm supposed to do?

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I live with housemates but I wouldn't really call them my friends, am I wrong for thinking like this?I mean we seem to get on and I'm not totally heartless if they did have an accident while I was there with them in the house I suppose I would try to help them.I wouldn't really say we were friends just housemates - is this in any way shape or form wrong?




  1. Housemates and friends are not necessarily the same thing - you just share a house that's all.

  2. That does sound pretty cold. If a stranger needed help, I would do my best.  They are your housemates, you don't have to categorise everyone you know, treat them as friends, and maybe one day you'll find that they are your friends, and if not, well, no harm done:)

  3. I get that you're just housemates, not really friends cause I often feel that way too. I don't think there's anything wrong cause in my case, I have really close friends already and my housemates and I don't seem to connect at a level that transcends the strangeness like there're things I just can't say- not secrets- but just opinions or embarassing stories. There's some barrier we just haven't crossed yet, it could happen though.

  4. It seems slightly strange that you are living with people you only suppose you would help.

    If you where my housemate with all honesty i would be trying my hardest to find someone to replace you.

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