
Now that 9-11 is over with; does the USA ever have to consider?

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that another Country or entity may attempt to attack the Nation again?

Why has the Country developed a way to protect itself since the Country was established a couple hundred + years ago?




  1. 9/11 is not over with.  It won't be over until the criminal elements in the government are identified and brought to justice.   The evidence for government complicity is compelling.  Learn about it.

    The country is not protecting itself.  How about those open borders?   The criminal politicians (not all politicians – but criminals are in charge now) spent our money creating a police state around us to keep us “safe”, yet they leave the borders open.  Figure it out.

  2. I think we will always have to keep an eye out for attackers because they want to come at an unexpected time and they just want us to back down but we have to prove that we won't and we are strong

  3. Of course other countries may attempt to attack the US again.

      Don't get your second question. "why has the country developed a way to protect itself since the Country was established a couple hundred + years ago?"  Is this a trick question?  All countries protect themselves and every country/government owes this to their citizens.

  4. 9/11 will never be "over with" for those who lived through it, lost loved ones in it or witnessed it as it unfolded on tv.

    We have the US military to protect us and have since the earliest days of the Republic.

  5. to be honest, the USA has to consider how to correctly pull out of iraq without having another attack. a number of raises have been made to have a type of security here, but has been unsuccessfully put to use.

    however, some people rumor that it's just pride that we've never lost a war. but sometimes it's beyond pride

  6. The USA has not been a battle ground since the civil war. In WW2 japan attacked pearl harbor, but even though that began a war, pearl harbor was a massive terrorist attack, un-declared, un-announced, act of war. 9-11 was a terrorist attack, it began the war on terror, which has no specific nation as the enemy. But the battle ground is still not in the USA.  The USA has pretty good defenses against any military attack. We have air , water, and ground superiority over any single nation. The war we are fighting now, the enemy is using IED's. Improvised Explosive Devices, because they have no military weapons, they make bombs, and throw rocks. You have to respect their passion. To stand up against the most powerful country in the world with rocks and home made bombs, is futile, but they are making a go of it.  Terrorists can strike anywhere, and come from anywhere, you may someday snap and become a terrorist, or your life long neighbor may be a closet terrorist. How do you prepare for that?

  7. If Bush had gone after Osama Bin laden the perpetrator of 9/11 instead of taking on Israel's perceived enemies in the Middle east like Iraq he may have helped make USA safer.

    Now, after the disaster in Iraq and his hapless stupidity in dealing with the aftermath and his continued foolish throwing of good money after bad to the corrupt and failing Israeli Government USA must deal with the more dangerous world he has created.

  8. well i think that once the war in iraq is ova and if we do win, then i dnt think any otha terrorists will have the balls 2 attack our country again

  9. Unless we invent a mind reading machine it is very difficult to prevent crimes like the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Organized crime operates everywhere. Treatment is symptomatic. People who commit terrorist attacks rarely telegraph any details before hand. The second largest terrorist attack in US history was conducted by a White, Christian, US army veteran. I'm all for better screening of visitors and better port security and border security, but the idea that we can achieve immunity to terrorist activity is a pipe dream.

    This is a typical American viewpoint:

    "i dnt think any otha terrorists will have the balls 2 attack our country again"

    Terrorists are already defeated. Attacking civilians is an act of people who have nothing going for them. It doesn't require any "balls" to lauch a terrorist attack.

  10. 9-11 is NOT over!! or have been sleeping all these years?? what do you think we are in Irag, Paskistan etc for??  this was all started by 9-11,,,,,,,,,,,

  11. Yes, that is what the FBI and CIA are for. The US is always investigating possible threats.

  12. Who said 9-11 is over?   Has the Patriot Act been repealed?

    We still await the official explanation for the destruction of the 3rd tower, WTC7.  The draft report is due next month from NIST.  

    (It is truly amazing how quickly after 9-11 the Patriot Act was passed, yet it takes seven years to get the WTC7 report out.  Hmmm).

    Do you remember Secretary Rice speaking shortly after 9-11, promising to make the public the "irrefutable proof" that OBL was behind the attacks? We are still waiting.  The FBI is still waiting too. The 9-11 attacks are not among the reasons OBL is a wanted man.

    9-11 will not be over until there is a full and impartial investigation.  The 9-11 Commission investigation was a sham set up to support the official fairy tale.  Any fool who researches it can plainly see that.

  13. that question doesn't make any sense...

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