
Now that D&D 4th Ed has been out for a while, do you plain to keep it or return it?

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Now that D&D 4th Ed has been out for a while, do you plain to keep it or return it? If so why & if not why?




  1. I haven't gotten it

  2. I haven't got it yet either, still aquiring 3rd.5 stuff, might see about downloading 4th.. but.. as nobody around here plays... *shrugs*

  3. I'm keeping it due to the fact that i love books and i cant imagine someone else owning my books.  But it will sit silently on a shelf probably for the rest of eternity and never get read again

    As to the why... its simply to far skewed from what " I " consider D&D (which only applies to me and not others) that i refuse to use it.

    Plus i have a living world firmly using 3.x rules and i doubt i run out of materials for at least a decade.  I might swap over to a new edition somewhere around 5th or 6th edition...maybe

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