
Now that Daylight Savings Time has been proven to increase energy usage when will this farce be abolished?

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Now that Daylight Savings Time has been proven to increase energy usage when will this farce be abolished?




  1. The articles I read didn't seem like real "proof", they seemed more like anecdotal evidence from a couple of locations over a very short period of time.  It definitely didn't seem like enough to say one way or another.  I'm with the other guy, I like the long days in Summer where I can enjoy the extended daylight hours after I get home from work.

  2. Yes! It is a waste of time and, now we know, money. It is silly for us to adjust the time every six months. In the summers we are not getting an extra hour of daylight. News flash--daylight does not revolve around clocks. We don't magically get an extra hour of daylight in the summer because our clocks "spring forward". I do believe the time frame during the warmer nights is the "true time". Daylight savings was enacted to an effort to provide more light in the mornings of the cooler months.

  3. I will have to look in to what their claims are for more energy useage.  Off the top of my head I would say that it might lower useage since more people sleep through the darker morning hours and less lighting is used during the extra post-work hour?)

    But DST isn't in place because of ecofreaks and their agenda, it is their because of the golf industry.  The extra hour of post work day leisure time is seriously worth billions to the golf and outdoor activities industries.

    It isn't going anywhere even if we could show that it caused male-pattern baldness and cellulite.

  4. More than likely it will continue due to safety reasons.  OFten it is argued that children would be forced to commute to or from school in the dark depending on the time of year.  It's all a conspiracy.  To find out more, goto www.

  5. Oh please let it be soon.  Just when we start getting a little light in the mornings, it gets taken away.  Doing it earlier this year made it that much more annoying.

  6. We should just completely abolish time altogether.

  7. When it was put into effect, people didn't leave their lights on all the time and it actually did save energy.   It all depends on where you live as to weather its a good thing or bad.    Without DST it would be light before 3 am near where I live and dark by 7 pm in the summer.   Wish it would stay in effect all year long so it isn't dark by 3:30 in the afternoon in the winter.

  8. Who proved it?

    At least longer nights gives us dads time to spend with our families outdoors because of Daylight savings. We go out for walks etc on weeknights purely because its still light. Who wants to live like nocturnal animals - leaving for work in the dark and returning home at night in the dark - as we do in winter. So if peple got off their fat backsides and went outside to enjoy he light, they's save power by turning off the TV, computer etc. Ugh, you people who dont like daylight savings it should get out and get a life. Daylight savings RULES !!!!!

  9. i say it wont happen in this lifetime.

    summer time is great to have the extra daylight at night

    how would you have felt as a child if it got dark at 6 pm in the summer!!!

    its been done for how long? why change it now.. and its the perfect excuse for people to be late to work... as one of my coworkers did.

    granted i get up and got to work at the @ss crack of dawn... gotta be there at 5am... i was just BARELY seeing some light before going into work.... now i see none. S****y.. it makes me want to go back to bed.

  10. I think that reasonably, it will be ended within the next 10 years. Since we know that DST is a bunch of BS, it will just take time for a decent legislation to come in and acknowledge it on a federal level. I hope it comes sooner rather than later. I'm consistently late to work one day every year.

  11. Omg that's a good idea I never thought of that before!

  12. I asked a similar question the other day, but didn't really get a good answer.;...

    I really don't understand why we're still using DST, since we've known for 30 years that it doesn't save energy, and in fact now we know that it causes more energy to be wasted.  Hopefully sooner or later the government will catch on and get rid of it, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  13. NO!    I like having long summer nights, and I coach my kids' soccer teams, so I like the extra hour of daylight, especially during March and August pre-season workouts.

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