
Now that Favre is with the Jets, what are the odds the Patriots go undefeated again?

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Now that Favre is with the Jets, what are the odds the Patriots go undefeated again?




  1. Favre, or no Favre, the odds of the Pats having two back-to-back undefeated seasons are not good.

    Favre will not be an impact player for the Jets, this or any other year. He has to learn the system plus he's 38 years old. His glory days are behind him. He should have taken all of his records and stayed in retirement.

  2. Hey Kevin the Jets made the playoffs two seasons ago and look at who they had, nobody.  The Patriots will never go undefeated again.

  3. the same..bret is good. but no one player can beat a team.

  4. Hello Apples, have you met my friend Oranges? I suppose you are asking if the Jets will beat the Patsies. No, they won't. The Patsies will go undefeated against the AFC East. They will lose to the Colts though, and maybe a couple other teams. They'll be in the Play-offs again as the Division Champ, but lose in the new Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, IN. It's the end of an Era.

  5. The odds that New Enlgand will go undefeated are better than the Jets' odds of making the playoffs.

    I wonder who Favre will blame when he stinks this year?

  6. Brett Favre is better than Tom Brady

    the ONLY reason Tom Brady is good is because he has a good Offensive Line

  7. Well now that it looks like the Colts are healthy(except for Dwight Freeney) I doubt the Patriots go undefeated.  How bout them Cowboys?  Now there's a real team!

  8. The odds of the Pats going undefeated are the same as they were before the Jets got Favre. He's not going to be that huge of a difference against them. He's old, doesn't have much time to learn the offense, and is on a team lead by Mancini (who couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag).

       The Pats likely won't go undefeated, but it's not the Jets that will stop them.  

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