
Now that Global warming has been totally debunked. Has Al Gore played on our fears?

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Now that Global warming has been totally debunked. Has Al Gore played on our fears?




  1. Please provide whatever documentation you have that demonstrates how 'global warming has been totally debunked'. To the best of my knowledge, a preponderance of the scientific community has proven that global warming is, indeed, a real and serious threat to our world. If anything, Al Gore has created the awareness that brought this issue to international prominence. If we don't start trying to do something about within the next ten years, it will be too late.  -RKO-  06/21/08

  2. Al Gore spoke well, but good thinking and knowledge would see impracticality in his proposals.

  3. it hasn't been debunked...

    al gore has just been an idiot about this whole thing and took advantage of a situation.

    here's my thoughts:

    global warming could or could not be true. but-either way isn't it important to keep the earth clean? whether its true or not doesn't matter because in the long run-everyone wins if we're keeping the planet clean.


  4. I guess that is why the hypocrites Power Bill is up another 10%.  

    Feel free to give me thumbs down about the truth.  See:

    We should be responsible with all our resources. Power, water, oil, garbage, etc.

    For Al Gore to make millions of dollars off people while not practicing what he preaches is irresponsible.

  5. No, No, dear, you are wrong. Global warming is real, and is changing the earth's climates. Look at the heavy rains that flooded the Midwest, and overflowed the Mississippi River. And, the Southeast, and West are in droughts. And, then why are the ice caps melting? You think the earth is not warming, but people like you are believing the "lies".

  6. Thank God our long world-wide nightmare is over.  All of us owe a debt of gratitude to you...the unceasing vigilance and the tireless efforts shown by you and the other several scientifical minds here at Yahoo Answers will long be remembered and celebrated in song and fable.  Like Alan a Dale.  You know...went 'a hunting...went 'a hunting...went 'a hunting...onnnnnn thhhhhe Kiiiiiinggggg's Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Way.

    It just goes to show what a grass-roots effort such as yours can produce...literally a shot heard 'round the world.

    Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

  7. Al would play on anything he can to try and improve the perception of himself.

  8. Could you direct us to a reputable site that has "totally debunked" it, so we may decide for ourselves, please?

  9. LOL... this "global warming" nonsense has been like fingers down a chalkboard every time I hear about it.  I believe in keeping our planet clean by not polluting and to recycle, but to have it continuously shoved down our throats and have stupid catch phrases like "carbon footprint" is completely annoying.  Al Gore and all the celebrities have played upon the fears of some people, not me personally, and have also taken advantage of a new way to make money in the guise of a good cause.  If people actually looked at the history of the earth, they would realize that the weather goes through cycles.  Remember a little time in history call the "Ice Age".  Did global warming cause the end of it?  Perhaps the gasses emitted by dinosaur flatulence caused it.  If you listen to the meteorolgist who was instrumental in the start of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, you will realize that global warming is a farce (see link below).  He is fit to be tied about all the lies put forth by the media (USA Today, included) and Al Bore (that was actually a typo, but I decided to keep it).  Check out the Truth or Fiction research into the comparision of Al Gore's home to George W's. included in the link below.  You can also read at the Truth or Fiction website about how Al Gore claimed to be instrumental in the start of the Internet... Unfortunately, our biased media is more interesting in creating stories to upset humankind, than to actually report the truth anymore and sadly, people buy into whatever the media tells them.

  10. I never believed a word he said.  Still don't.

  11. The minute global warming is debunked, I want to see this guy and his flocks of blind sheep put in prison.

  12. Global warming is a scam.

    In Australia it's all our prime minister Kevin "dud" Rudd goes on about and the masses buy into it.

  13. John Doe, that is an outright lie, and is even worse than uninformed nonsense.

    Global warming was a known issue at least 20 years ago, well before Al Gore started working to increase public awareness.

    To the asker, what in the world made you think GW was "totally debunked?"

    As far as playing on our fears, I think people are now much more aware of global warming, but we still aren't taking it seriously enough.

  14. Our fears and our pocketbooks. If he actually thought it to be ctitical that the world see his film why not make it free like Zeitgeist (which is free online)

  15. I don't think the folks in the Midwest are feeling like it's debunked!

    You better tell the White House they've been duped! ABC News had this to say about the White House report on AGW!


  16. Ummm...who "totally debunked" it?

  17. LOL in whose little mind?

    If it wasn't for global warming this planet would be a lifeless rock.

    problem is things have become a little imbalanced.

    And even if it has been debunked, companies are finding out that they can make more money by recycling their own waste, something that was goal of the people wanting to reduce global warming, in the first place.

    So even if it was debunked, you can't stop the goal of more sustainable methods and industrial recycling.

  18. The only thing we need know about "Global Warming" is that it is a well concieved plan for big business to make more billions at our expense.

    Take, for example car manufacturers- their sales are dropping badly because of the oil prices. Ahh they say, we'll make squillions of electric, hybrid and other alternative fuel vehicles, all in the name of "environmentally responsible" and the vulnerable idiots who believe all this c**p will come out of the woodwork to buy them in droves!

    Don't be conned- whenever a topic of this nature emerges it is for the sole benefit of those who can make a lot of money out of it!

  19. If global warming is debunked, I'm sure another annoying scare will take its place.  

    I can hear the drum beats now; pay this tax or the Earth will spin off its axis and into space.

  20. Totally debunked? I haven't seen anything in the scientific literature about AGW being debunked.  As a matter of fact, the evidence scientist collect keep showing the usefulness of the theory.  Here is an article from NASA that uses satellites to track sea level change.

    They have found the rate of sea level rise is twice as fast as it should be since 1993 - a consequence of global warming.  They are going to launch another to collect more data to estimate better long term trends.  

    This one shows some of the impacts on ecosystems of human induced climate change.

    There were  from looking about 5 minutes at scientific sites - could not find anything about the theory being  "debunked."

    What will you do now that your lie is exposed?  Make up a new one?

  21. Where does it come from? I wonder the real intention of yours? The link below is recent news on global warming. You may want to read it if your are interested.

  22. Global warming "debunked"? LMAO.

    A HUGE problem that's getting bigger: Ice on the run, seas on the rise. This is only going to worsen over time, unless someone decides to step-up with enough money to change how we do things....

  23. it hasn't been totally debunked...We really do have environmental problems

  24. He couldn't be president, so he had to come up with a nother career. Fear mongering seemed like a great idea and I'm sure he'll move on to something else, when the Global Warming well dries up.

  25. Actually Global warming is real.......however! You are correct in that Al Gore's version has been totally debunked. He is a proven fraud and yes indeed he has played on our fears.

    The planet is getting warmer as it has since the last ice age.

    The key to debunking the Man-made cause i.e. Al Gores version, is that Mars is warming up as well!

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