
Now that I'm 18 where can i work?

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I've always worked in the resurant industry and I'm ready to leave that. I just graduated and I'm lookin for a job. My parents work for the government and told me to take the postal test. I can start at about 18 an hour. But where else? Ups??? Help me plz. I'm ready to start (continue) My life...




  1. anywhere but places that require a degree

  2. u can basically work anywhere. and with certain certifications u can do a lot!

  3. It depends on what sate you live in but there are business such as job connect and NCIS that have websites that give lists of interesting jobs in your area if you find one of those businesses you've got it made!It will tell you everything you need to know about a certain job.


  4. If u are a girl u can go to the Strip Club thew will Hire u on the spot if u look good.

  5. 18 and hour is great.  most jobs for 18 years old are retail, flipping burgers, not very good paying stuff.  You really might want to think ab.out that postal test

  6. How about an administrative job?

  7. Many hospitals have entry level job positions with great pay. My son got a job in the food service area when he was 17 for $9/hr. He just turned 18 & applied as a transporter- moving patients in wheelchairs, beds, etc. & it pays almost $19/hr, with excellent benefits. Check with your local hospitals to see if they have any entry level positions available.

  8. get a loan and go to college.. it will pay off later.

  9. You can do pretty much anything that you are experienced enough for (which is probably not a lot)

    My advice, think about the career you want to have 10 years from now.

    Then, look back and see what the first step is to get you where you want to be in 10 years.

    Good luck!

  10. anywhere except

    1) taxi driver

    2) security guard (armed)

    3) any federal goverment/state

  11. Go to a temp agency.

  12. If you have found a particular subject that you really enjoy, then find a job that has to do with that subject.

  13. how about you call the post office and ask...

  14. Yeah, I mean you can work about anywhere.  You can try and get a postal job, but they can be hard to land.  It also depends on where you live and what kind of options you have around you.  Some of the best jobs you can do while in college, and make decent money other than restaraunt/retail are telemarketing or other communications jobs, customer service jobs, administrative/clerical jobs, assisted living workers,  there are lots of possibiliies.

  15. A grocery stores, UPS, Colleges

    You just got to call up some places and ask them what is required, Good Luck

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