
Now that I know I like her, What do I do about it?

by  |  earlier

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I don't think she's bi or L*****n, but I want her to know I like her. I've told her that I was bi and she's one of the like 3 people that knows I cut myself, but that just made us get closer. I want to tell her I like her, but I'm afraid she won't talk to me again. What should I do?




  1. if shes not bi or lez u cant be with her. and y r u cutting urself? i think thats the bigger problem here.  

  2. i don't see why she wouldn't talk to you again just because she knows you like her. i know this isn't much help but just do what you think is right

  3. Just say it casually in the middle of an unrelated sentence.

    "Oh the weather's nice today, although I like you it's a bit too warm."

    If she's a real friend it'll--at worst--make everything a bit weird for a while.

    By the way, you should probably not just say it casually in the middle of a sentence.  

  4. To tell you the truth. Their is no easy answer. Life takes risk. I posted aa question once asking if I should tell the girl I like that I am bi. I feared that it would risk splitting our friendship. I  haven't made a move yet because we live far away.

    The main thing is, if she is your freind, and always will be no matter who you are or what you feel, their is no reason not to tell her.

    But if your freind is one who doesn't care much aboout having freinds and only uses you, their is no point.

    But according to what I am reading, I would say, yes. You should tell her. But tell her that you don't want your feelings to come between you and her and that you wish to remain the best of freinds.

  5. I told my friend the same thing. I'm bi, and I had a crush on her. I told her before I started the converstion that if she didn't like this conversation she could just switch the topic if she didn't like it or it made her uncomfortable and then afterward she told me I'm sorry I don't like you that way. And we completely act as if that conversation never happened. Oh, and about the cutting, I know this might make you feel even worse, but your not alone. I cut myself too, and I want you to have a little peice of my heart. I know what your going through and I care about you even though you are lost in that dark place, that I dread very much. I hate going back there, you know that place. It's the hole in you heart which no matter how hard you try to boost your self esteem, you still feel worthless, and like you are ruining the life of others around you. But next time you go to that dark place, I will be with you. You can even email me at;

  6. y dont u thnk shes bi or lez? dos she hav a bf or sumthin? FND OUT!


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