
Now that I know that Budweiser & Coors are big contributors?

by  |  earlier

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to the La raza, I dont feel very thirsty, do you?

I called both companies today and Coors sounded VERY upset when I told them what La Raza REALLY is. The consumer relations mgr. was VERY unsettled.

I think people dont realize its an Anti-American Racist Hate Group. Your thoughts?




  1. What a coincidence! I happen to be drinking a Coors when I read this! So, I went to your link which really didn't say anything but apparently assumes that racists and bigots would be interested in knowing what companies donate to the National Council of La Raza. So, I looked up their (La Raza) website and other related links to find out exactly what they are.

    I'm not seeing a problem here. Guess I'll have another Coors and think about it.

  2. I ned more info to make my opinion but, every big bussiness support different causes to gain costumers.

  3. where's the beer.  can I get there in ten mins.  What's a la raza, taste anythin like a s*x on the beach

  4. I'd have to say that I would seriously question the judgement of anyone who drank those beers in the first place.  Might as well be drinking water.  You need some learnin' when it comes to beer.

  5. the best way to get them coming for more is get them drunk..

    It worked in Mexico and still does..

    It will work here to, if they gave a 50% discount on election day, courtesy of the Republicans.. they may just win

    On the other hand, they can get the same results if they legalized marijuana

  6. Nope. From now on I'm just drinking Vodka and Whiskey. I agree with you and like how you think.

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