
Now that Lieberman has come out of the closet as a Republican...?

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should the people of Connecticut send him into a quiet retirement?

How galling is it that a former VP candidate for the Democrats just 4 years ago is supporting the Republican candidate for President, and even spoke at the RNC?

Isn't he thumbing his nose and flipping the finger at the Democrats AND the people of his state?

Shouldn't the voters of his state start a recall petition to get him out of Congress? Or do Connecticut-ians only care about name recognition, and not what is being said or done in their name?




  1. jesus had judas, ben franklin had that traitor dude, dems have lieberman.  toss his butt out.  turncoat.  he's a lost political soul who will probably soon sell US secrets to Georgia.  hope his droopy face sees little tv time from here on out.

  2. Lieberman thinks he can sell the "Jewish Vote" to John McCain as long as they commit our military to the nation of Israel...

    Too bad American Jews are really not as concerned about Israel as they are with their own nation's security...

    LIEberman fails again... he's a goner!

    There is a difference between cooperating or "reaching across the aisle" and committing a desperate act of traitorous, self-serving trickery...

    If McCain is elected, I'd like to see how Lieberman is going to explain to all those good ol' American military boys that they have been sold to Israel and no longer represent the interests of the USA...

  3. Joseph Lieberman was the VP candidate 8 years ago friend. John Kerry and John Edwards ran in 2004. Because Lieberman voted against some Democrat ideals when he was running for re-election he was kicked from the Democrat party and he ran as a Independent. He won and took office. He still caucuses as a Democrat and is classified as one. The voters of his state voted for him not his party (because he ran as a independent). Joe is a good man, an American first and he supported his long time friend. Isn't that what politics should be about?  

  4. he will never be elected again.  Republicans elected him the last time.  the next time he runs, he will be a has been and history.

  5. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was a recall election against Lieberman within the next year

  6. Joe Lieberman, the Old Menshevik who the neocons almost foisted off on the party as the vice presidential nominee. My theory is that Palin was the Anybody But Lieberman candidate in the McCain inner circle: his nomination, after all, would have split the party badly, and violated the Soviet spirit of the Party Congress, with demonstrations on the floor and a possible challenge.

    He dares to raise Washington’s farewell address and its warning against partisanship: of course he’d rather die than mention the Founder’s warning against unnatural attachments or antipathies to other nations. “Country matters more than party.” The clear implication: the Democrats are traitors, they’ve betrayed the country. Militaristic nationalism trumps party loyalty. USA USA USA!!!

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