
Now that Marvel does its own movies, should they redo Daredevil and Ghostrider?

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Now that Marvel does its own movies, should they redo Daredevil and Ghostrider?




  1. No.

  2. Noo!!

    Daredevil, while not exactly a problematic character is one subject to a LOT of arguments.  I have not heard generation gaps about Gene Colan Daredevil vs. Frank Miller Daredevil.  I have heard kids, young adults and us older folk who remember the first runs of each arguing with considerable heat about them  And these are as likely to be within as across the generations.  I've gotten into a few arguments about the Wally Wood Daredevils.

    The movie was a pretty good adaptation of Frank Miller's Daredevil.  For now the argument is over.  If Sony wants to make a new one, even reinventing it with a new cast, fine.  But if Marvel starts it up I shall have to avoid my comic book stores and tread warily around the libraries (hide in the mystery section).  They are trying to sell the character.

    Ghost Rider is a different story.  I will forgive Nicholas Cage almost anything.  Even this, but what made the series for me, like what made Werewolf By Night for me, was Mike Ploog's art. Ploog was a former assistant to Will Eisner on PS Magazine, and it showed.  This art showed the strongest humor element since Steve Ditko left the fold.  And it gave both strips a nice fairy tale quality their other horror books did not have.  Dracula was well drawn and with Marv Wolfman's scripts but Gene Colan did Dracula anyhow.  Frank Brunner had a nice fairy tale quality but his big scores were Dr. Strange and a couple of Conan pictures.  Straight fantasy.  The Ghost Rider movie was as interesting as the Golden Compass (NOT).  And I don't think live action it can be.  If they really want to do Ghost Rider right they should try for a straight animated feature.  But I would prefer they leave it alone unless they can bring Ploog back.

  3. Marvel is now producing it's own movies, however, several of their properties are still licensed to film studios who paid for them years ago. Sony still has the rights to Ghost Rider, Spider-Man and all related characters, and FOX still has the rights to Fantastic Four, Daredevil, X-Men and all related characters.

    Eventually the rights will revert to Marvel, as these licensing deals have time limits. Then Marvel can do whatever it likes.

  4. Eventually, yes they should.

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