
Now that McCain made up his mind who you vote for: Obama-Biden or Mc Cain-Palin?

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I think McCain just commited suicide by choosing such a unrelevant woman..dont take me wrong but maybe she is good but please VP!!!! not even Hillary made a ticket...she will make a mistake and McCain wont win read my lips mark my words...




  1. McCain/Palin

    I will vote for Hillary in 2012.

    Wake Up America!

    Obama IS A FAKE!!!!!

  2. I would have voted for Hillary, since that didn't work out thanks to McCain I have another choice.

    McCain and Palin, in '08 then in 2012 maybe it will be Palin and Rice or Rice and Palin. Either way, we win, win, win.  


    NOTE:  New slogan for (B)arack (O)bama "BO Bad Odor"

  3. McCain/Palin '08

    Country First.

  4. Consider this...

    Both the #1 and #2 positions on the Republican ticket have more qualifications for the Presidency than the #1 position on the Democrat ticket...

    McCain - More substance and more political experience than B.O.

    Palin - more executive experience and executive accomplishments than B.O.

    How is that committing suicide?  LOL

    McCain/Palin '08

  5. Mccain-Palin.  A lot of Democrats are saying "How can you choose Palin and tell us that Obama is inexperienced when she is inexperienced as well?"  The answer to that: Palin has more experience than OBAMA.  

  6. Obama/Biden

  7. Still and always will be McCain....Thank you

    I trust him way more than BO !

    Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  8. No it is Obama that make the mistake for not choosing Hillary. I vote McCain-Palin.

  9. I don't know who anyone could make up their mind on who to vote for based off of the VP, before we've even had any debates. All we've had so far has been speeches, commercials, and more speeches.  

  10. McCain Palin will win in 08  

  11. Still McCain/Palin......

  12. McCain Palin

    BO is the one who will commit suicide, with a little help from

    Bin Ladin for s******g up.

  13. M/P

  14. Obama-Biden ALL THE WAY!

  15. Obama-Biden

    Hillary couldnt get to presedent so How can a dumb woman with out experence make it

  16. OBAMA/BIDEN 08

    WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. The woman!  

  18. I was voting against Obama, but now I'm voting for McCain/Palin. Obama may have committed political suicide by pi$$ing off the Clintons, or by choosing and old-school Washington insider. "Change" indeed. Palin cleaned up corruption and wasteful spending in AK, hopefully she can have some influence as VP to do the same thing in DC.

    BTW, it's 'irrelevant'…learn to spell or use a spell checker

  19. Ok she may not be well known, but before Obama was on tv (Oprah) and such I had never heard of him.  I have done my research on Palin and am fully impressed.  She is the ONLY one who has executive experience (why is that no experience, she is the only one that has it)  She is an amazing strong women.  Someone my kids can look up to.  She has cut taxes, and has an 80% rating in Alaska, that is amazing! Sarah Palin

    1992-1996 City Councilwoman 1996-2002 Wasilla Mayor - (Reduced her own salary and Property Taxes by 60%) 2003-2004 Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission(resigned in protest over Alaskan Republicans) 2006-2008 Alaska Governor

    Barack Obama State Senator 1997-2004 (no real accomplishments) US Senator 2005-2008 (no real accomplishments, except running for President and paying off his student loans)

    I find it amazing that some say she shouldn't be in because she is a women and has five children, but I find that amazing, she has five children one who is in the armed forces, one who is D.S and she is still able to accomplish what she does.  She stands for education, and special education.  

    She is not everything I was looking for, but with the flip flopping that the dem party is doing, I am pretty sick of it. I am a Dem and this change has made me want to go the way of McCain-Palin.  I say good for him!

  20. McCain-Palin

  21. The One.

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