
Now that Obama's team has more foreign policy experience, Is there any hope for McCain?

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it seems to be looking less and less likely.




  1. Why not hold that opinion until after the debates.  With the combination of the befuddled Obama and the verbose Biden, I think there will be trouble.  Good luck though


  2. I would like to respond to C`s mom utterly stupid and ignorant response.  Not only did you directly plagiarize from a user’s email that was sent to cnn but you posted isn’t true at all.  Do you not know McCain is nothing but a bush? McCain agreed with bush 90 percent of the time.

    If McCain is elected their would be more


    High Gas Prices

    High Healthcare cost

    A war with no clear objective in sight

    Sexism on the rise (women getting paid less then men for same work)

    Preduijice against g**s and lesbians on the rise

    Racism on the rise

    Our oil problem has been in the making for 30 YEARS JOHN MCCAIN WAS IN THIER FOR 26 OF THOSE YEARS. HE IS A PART OF THE PROBLEM -

    Is this really what you want to happened Barrack Obama is going to only send our troops in dangers when their is a clear missions and he is going to abolish terroist groups.

  3. Team Obama is on the way to the White House!

  4. no

  5. Obama's "team" as you call it does not have more foreign policy experience than McCain's team.  McCain has more foreign policy experience than Biden, and Biden is only on the ticket as VP.  The top spot on the Democratic ticket is a person with NO foreign policy experience who into his FIRST YEAR of being a Senator, started to run for President.  He didn't even do a good job as a Senator - missing committee meetings and voting "PRESENT" instead of "YEA" or "NEA" on most bills.  McCain/Palin is a much stronger ticket - in all areas.

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