
Now that Obama has made his choice, who would be the best VP pick for McCain?

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Now that Obama has made his choice, who would be the best VP pick for McCain?




  1. I would like see Huckabee get it.

  2. Huckabee

  3. In My Most Humble Opinon, I believe Romney would be a good pick.

  4. Condolezza Rice... that way he has a more progressive

    ticket than Obama.

  5. Huckabee is the most likeable of the group and can rally the right and maybe keep McSame away from a double digit blowout

  6. The SMART choice would be to pick Mitt Romney and appease his conservative base.  But I question whether or not that will happen.  Here's why:

    McCain figures he already has the conservative base in the bag.  There's no way they're NOT going to vote for him no matter how much they can't stand him, because not supporting him is the same as supporting Obama.  And they're not about to let that happen.  

    So it's certainly possible that McCain could rope in the legions of undecideds and independents by picking an independent like Lieberman or a pro choice VP running mate.  Start dipping into Obama territory a little bit.   Conservatives would be furious, but they'd still vote for him.  But that would say a lot about McCain's character, or lack there of.  

  7. The Biden pick actually gives McCain the luxury of picking between a number of choices...The only one on the GOP side who is less inspiring within the party and considered more of an "insider" than Biden is d**k Cheney....and I doubt McCain will go there.

    If, for example, McCain picks Sarah Palin or Joe Lieberman, suddenly the image of "New" shifts to the GOP....along with numerous independent voters.

    Before, if he picked Huckabee or Romney, the Dems could have accused him of selling out his "maverick" image and pandering to special-interests in the party.  Now that Obama has clearly made a pick based on his own weaknesses....any Dem rhetoric can easily be turned back on them.

    Finally, if he picks a "dark horse" like Thompson or even Giuliani for that matter he will solidify his position as "his own man"....for those picks would clearly be aimed at building a McCain team....not compensating for McCain weaknesses.

  8. I'm hopping he'll pick either Thomson or Romney, but I think his choice will be Lieberman. A little to far left for my likings but he has got lotsa guts. Thats good enough for me.

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