
Now that Obama is behind in the polls again should he dump Biden and hire Hillary?

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this mornings gallop shows a 42-42% tie




  1. He should pick up the Hip Hop mayor from Detroit, i hear he's looking for work .

  2. American women are voting for Gov.Palin no matter what Obama tells them to do.

  3. It's too late. He's stabbed her in the back and now he'll pay the price.

  4. Naw.  Both Jesse jackson & "big" Al Sharpton are more entertaining for the publics amusement!

  5. Is he behind in the polls? there are still a couple months anyway  and its too late to change.

    There is no much animosity between Obama and Hillary thats not a real choice.    He should have passed on both

  6. lol,  no he's not!  Do you think we are stupid that we'd take your word for it?

  7.   Yes, Obama should dump Biden. He changes positions all the time anyway. Why not change his running mate?

  8. What polls are you looking at.  Obama is STILL winning and will be the next president of the United States.

  9.   If he did, he'd have a better chance at winning. Way better. Biden's a plagiarist and a liar ( ( had to withdraw from the 1988 Presidential race because of it, and is a rascist.

    If Obama dumped Biden and selected Hillary, I'd vote for Obama.

  10. Maybe Obama should start cross dressing for the woman vote.

  11. That is one decision he can't easily change.

  12. NO.

    He's ahead and Mccain should dump himself and Sarah.

    Barack Obama continues to hold a significant lead over John McCain, 49% to 42%, in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking  

  13. does a 42-42 tie equate to being "behind". Must have missed that math lesson...

  14. Gallup poll, another tool for the MEDIA to convince the sheep who to vote for. wake up and stand on your own 2 feet American voters.

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