
Now that Palin has attacked Obama is she fair game for attacks?

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or will the conservatives hide her behind the female curtain




  1. Attacks? Have you been living under a rock for the last 5 days? I have never seen such hate filled hysteria spewing from the left. They have to make up a new lie every 30 minutes because nothing they have thrown at her has stuck. It's a pathetic sign of desperation.

  2. She was a target for attacks that were not fair before the convention and she will continue to be so as politics is a dirty business that BOTH SIDES play.  If you do not know that, then you are only fooling yourself.  

    I was impressed with her speech.  Even though I am a libertarian by affiliation, I was very impressed.  She knows how to handle herself and came out a strong winner.  Obama and Biden have their hands full.

  3. absolutely!!!  

    start with her daughter & the sperm donor...  

  4. You are kidding right...she has been a target since Obama looked at Biden and asked who Palin was.  

  5. Yep - the liberal media has been unfairly attacking her and her KIDS already for days!  She just gave them (Obama bin Biden) a well deserved taste of their own medicine!


  6. I hope Biden eats her alive in the debates. If the Democratic leadership doesn't grow a spine and come out swinging, we're gonna lose another easy election. I say she's fair game, let the hunting begin. Release the hounds.

  7. She has already been hit. This was her turn.

  8. there's a differemce between hitting first and hitting back.  she's just returning the favor.

  9. LOL.  No one has been attacked more than she has through the campaign and she has only been on the ticket a few days.  I noticed she didn't mention Obama's family..

  10. Typical liberal response. She didn't "attack" him, if you were paying any attention, she actually responded to the statements he already made. Is she fair game? Pretending that he is the bigger guy by giving out backhanded compliments is a trick only liberals would not notice through their rose colored glasses. Amazing how the same people who scrutinize her daughters pregnancy, think it is okay for a crack addicted mother to have 7 children with "unknown" fathers, live off the system, get subsidized childcare to work towards a GED they have no intention of obtaining at the cost of taxpayers. Unless she starts seeking taxpayer money to fund her grandchildren, everyone should stay out of her family business. Obama is just used to being shady, he is good at it.

  11. She is definitely ripe for being attacked.

  12. Wait, you mean the way Obama was immune from criticism for MONTHS? Or the way he had to have a special meeting with Rupert Murdoch b/c ONE news network (Fox) wasn't worshipping the ground he walks on?  

    Oh, and the Dems can't find anything to criticize.... She suggested firing a violent man who tasered his own 10 y/o son and made death threats against her family.  Woopdeedoo!  

    So now they go after her kids?!  Real "hope and change" there!  

  13. What??? Where have you been? She had been pratically attacked all week by the democratic whoring media. The way I see it, it was all fair game for her to give back to Obama.

  14. I think the gloves are off. I say this, she is running to be a heartbeat away from the most powerful office in the land. If she can't take media attacks like this, which compared to previous elections has been tame so far, how would she deal with those in the world who really hate this country? I say throw the kitchen sink at her, and see how she handles it. if she can't, then she shouldn't be there. This goes for all the candidates!

  15. are you kidding? the liberals have been on her from the start.

  16. The Repubs have been whining all week about the media and others attacking her.  IF she can dish it, she can take it.

  17. When has she not been fair game? The left wing loons have been attacking her since she was announced and nobody cried unfair. The unfair part is attacking her kids. Who are you to attack children? They hit her with sucker punches and she just threw a haymaker right back at them. Take all the time you need to get back up left wing loons.

  18. You bet she is. I understand she has a thick skin. She will need it.

  19. She did a great job pointing out her opponents down falls but not once did she drag his family into the mix.  It is always a big push me and I'll push you back way in politics it's the way it has always been done.  How many women out there have a pregnant teen?  Almost enough to win this election for McCain.  Every time anyone says something bad about Obama he pulls the race card so now she can't pull the s*x card.  Double standards are arise.  

  20. she's fair game* can you imagine if a dem. candidate had a young, unwed pregnant daughter? i think some of the holier than thou republicans have shown their hypocritical sides lately. the thing about politics is that to me both sides (one especially) seems so childish. if i was involved in all that bs i'd feel like an idiot..edit...the stupidest thing i heard today was some woman saying it's about time there was a breast feeding hockey mother of 5 in the white house. sheesh....

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