
Now that Palin has outlined Obamas plan when is she going to talk about the Republicans? Or same old nothing?

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I kept hearing her bash Obama along with the rest of the crew at the convention saying that it is the leaders job to leave America better then they found it, McCain has been in ofice 27 years "serving " the public, is it better now?




  1. Unlike his opponent, McCain actually has a long history of reform and fighting the establishment, hence the nickname of being a maverick.  

    I guess you missed the points on energy policy (alternative fuels, technology, and domestic oil production to cover the gap), economic policy (lower taxes and helping small businesses in America), fighting corruption, etc.  Much more specific than "change".

  2. you weren't listening.

  3. McCain will outline his plan tomorrow.  

  4. Iraq certainly is.

  5. BIDEN  has been there longer than that so go figure----if you have listened to obama he has done the same thing----it's not a one way thing

  6. Did you watch the DNC? Most of their speeches were lambasting the RNC and McCain.  All's fair.  Also, being in the Senate as a lone senator does not give you the same power that being President gives.  Much more difficult to get things done.  And I'd say during that 27 years, at some point, we were doing well as a nation.  Right now, maybe not so much, but keep in mind that Obama is in the Senate right now.

  7. All she did was Bash Obama, never did she tell us what she was going to do, nothing! Notta!! But we should be used to that, we have dealt with Bush.

    Palin, was dull, and just likes to put down Obama. Nothing about Biden, Its kinda like she thinks she is running for President...

    No, its not better, after McCain serving that many years,..its worse.

    We need to get America out of this rut.

    OBAMA 08

  8. It's easier for the Republicans to win by lying about the democrats' plans than to actually say what they stand for.

  9. She talked a lot about core values of Conservativism. Go listen to the speech one more time!  

    Ohhhh, I forgot, she listed her credentials too.  *wink*

  10. If you can't take the fire, get out of the kitchen.

  11. she has no right to "outline obama's plan." only obama can do that

  12. Conservatives only plan when it comes to what will put the most money into their pocket. Their response to everything else is merely a reaction.

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