
Now that Romney's out, will the conservatives back McCain?

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Now that Romney's out, will the conservatives back McCain?




  1. Have to wait and see, after their heads are done exploding!

  2. Only if he becomes a conservative

  3. I definitely will, and think that many more will.  Why shouldn't they?  Even Rush Limbaugh, who has been blasting McCain as "too liberal", says that hard-line conservatives may not vote "for McCain", but they will vote against Hillary or Obama.

    Many so-called "hard-line conservatives" seem to have a problem with so much immigration, and of course illegal immigration.  McCain's approach is a far more practical one.  First of all, we can't send them all back, even all of the illegal ones.  We CAN and SHOULD deport those illegals who have committed felonies over and above illegal entry.  We should require immigrants, legal and otherwise, to pay taxes and become true Americans if they want to stay here.  And we should take reasonable steps to prevent more illigal immigration.  

    There have always been plenty of Americans who wanted to place serious restrictions on immigration.  Native American Indians weren't too happy about the rest of us showing up and taking over "their" lands and forage.  Early  Protestant settlers sure didn't want any Catholics around.  Nobody wanted Africans except as slaves.  Nobody wanted the Jews, and largely denied them entry into America even when Hitler was murdering them en masse.  Still, immigration is the basis of the America's future strength, even if immigrants "steal" American jobs, just like the Irish and Italians and Chinese did a century ago.  We had better get rid of some of our bigotry and greed and learn to live with immigration.

  4. I'm a conservative, and I don't like McCain, and I actually listened to Rush Limbaugh's program for the very first time just 2 days ago. So his input on what I do with my life, choices and beliefs is extremely limited, if not nonexistent.

    Republicans for the most part think for themselves, as opposed to democrats who jump on any bandwagon that seems able to incite a riot at the time. That's why I joined the party.

    If McCain can make a real attempt at being a good person instead of just a good politician, I will be able support him much more easily. I don't think he is the same war hero he was 25 years ago. I think he has gotten into the "game" of Washington and has been tainted, not just by Washington but by stubbornness that must have just grown with age. Another big concern for me is that it seems all of these endorsements that he's gotten have been nothing more than politicians from Washington returning favors, or getting in line to receive them later. I could be wrong, and I'm open to that possibility, but I don't like the way it looked as it transpired.

    Ex.: Charlie Crist didn't support him until the day before or the day of the FL primary. Same with FL senator Mel Martinez. This to me looks like they were just waiting to see who sweetened the deal in order to attract their endorsement. Now they're saying Crist possibly has the nod for VP (???). All of the politicians across the nation waited until the last minute to endorse him, for the most part. And many looked like they were gritting their teeth while doing it (Senator Warner, etc.)

    Also, as a conservative, I cannot fathom how McCain could imagine that any kind of amnesty would actually be helpful to our nation. I am all for LEGAL immigration, that is a very important part of our economy. But ILLEGAL immigration is causing a huge economic slowdown for a million different reasons. And, it is wholeheartedly UN-American to treat a group of people who basically 'cut in line' better, or "more equal" than those who patiently wait for and PAY for their visas.

    All that said, I overwhemingly support McCain over either one of the democratic candidates. I just feel that Romney or Huckabee would have been a much more conservative and better choice.

  5. Most some point they will be forced to stop doing whatever Rush tells them to do and make a decision for themselves

  6. We won't have a choice.  Sadly he is still the better choice as compared to Clintoon or Obama

  7. Probably.. seems like the logical thing at this point

    i hate to day but i was hoping at least for better choices.. not settling for the least of the bad

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