
Now that Spring is here and the weather is starting to get warmer does that mean....?

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that Global Warming is on the rise this year?




  1. Global warming is realistic, so yes, it could be...but people don't take it seriously because they don't know the facts. When you think of global warming, you think, "oh, it just got a little hotter..." But that's not the point. Because the protective barrier around  earth is beginning to disenegrate, the sun's rays are able to come in more strongly. This will worsen more over the years and soon the Earth will be an oven...People should take this seriously because our Earth is the only planet that can substain our life, and if not taken care of properly it will eventually become uninhabitable....and then where will we go? We can joke for now, sure, but what happens if our Earth really does die...then what will happen to the human race?

  2. Yes.  Everyone has been confusing global warming and summer!

    Just kidding.  I don't understand what you are getting at with your question.

  3. yep, pack up the babies and grab the old ladies and head for them thar hills, global warming is a comin!!!  OH unless you buy carbon credits ,become a vegetarian, and live like you are back to the 1900's. then It will stay cooler this summer!  but then next winter will be a bummer. then we will burn just as much fuel and energy as we saved just to keep from freezing to death!!

  4. summer is a season. its natural. but summers should get warmer over the years. but a variation between summer and winter are normal

  5. ok Global warming is SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO not on da rise, and it is funny how people take this stuff like a bomb is in there hands

  6. IT DOES'NT MEAN A THING, COULD BE SUNNY TODAY AND 2 FEET OF SNOW TOMARROW.       WE  need to delete this problem, it'll get worse and worse, if we dont.

  7. 2007 was to be the warmest however it was the coldest

    We  seem to be in for a little cool down.

    Which is why it now Climate Change instead of Global Warming.

  8. Awww Mannnn, you mean to tell me that Al Gore, inventor of the internet, and Academy Award winner was jes; shuckin' an' jivin' all along. Bummer.

  9. I hope this is a joke.  Spring is always warmer than winter and summer will be warmer-- like it always is.  We'll get heat waves like we always do especially around August when Sirius the dog star comes out, hence the expression "dog day afternoon" for really hot days.  90 degree heat waves are a  possibility and have nothing to do with the manufactured scare of global warming.  Then comes September, it cools down a bit then there's a bit of a warm up called Indian summer then it soon gives way not to climate change but the natural order of Autumn to the cold of winter.

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