
Now that Steve Clark and Paul Simpkins are gone, who's the best ref in the NRL?

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Ennis: I thought Mander was pretty good. Clark was pretty good in 2006.




  1. We haven't had a decent ref since Harrigan retired. I don't think any of them rate a mention. But compared to English referees, they are OK.

    Edit: Yes, I forgot about Mander,he's OK

  2. i would say tony archer i dont thinkk we will get another bill harrigan for a long time! i think we should bring refs over from england

  3. NRL say Tony Archer, I say Jared Maxwell he makes decisions based on what he thinks not 11 cameras say.

  4. Tony Archer.. so they say

  5. Ummmmm, we dont really have any real stand out ref's these days since harrigan, clark and simpkins have left.

    But i guess Tony Archer isn't that bad, but i reckon he gets annoying just by looking at him.

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