
Now that TeamObama has learned to search for information about Sarah Palin, will they check on Obama's past???

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This sudden quest for information by Team Obama could backfire.

What if they actually find the truth about Obama, while digging for lies about Palin.




  1. Rove already did the searching. He found out that Obama can be offhandedly tied to William Ayers, and he is working his best to find a creative way to make it look like Obama is someone he is not. It's the republican and christian thing to do in times like these. There is a special place in h**l for Karl Rove, d**k Cheney, Ralph Reed, Falwell, Dobson and all these other hate filled fake Christian scribes and pharisees. Bush will go to limbo because he is too dumb to realize what happened.  

  2. god forbids. OBAMA rox...visit his fan club:

    obama's charismatic n hot

  3. He actually has a solid past, it is just not in politics, no real experience.A one term senator who hasn't been on the job. He is too busy bring a black face to the white house.My state was a stepping stone, and he stepped on us to get there. Illinois may not vote Democrat this time.

  4. The truth will out.

    Uncover the truth about all of them.

  5. Who said REPUBLICANS learned to read?

    They're too busy right now building new crosses for their lawns anyhow.

  6. Obama's been vetted, if there was anything REAL to worry about it would have come out by know and the republican attempts at campaigning by innuendo are failing miserably

    Palin made the Democrats day John's hail mary to suck up to evangelicals will fail

  7. Yeah, he's black and went to church.

  8. He's black.

    We already know.

  9. Plain is under investigation. FACT. Not a lie

  10. They'll hide it or deny it ever happened and let him win, solely because he's black. (not referring to all Obama supporters, but seeing that the vast majority of black people are voting for him it's obvious that's the sole reason for many). And if he wins the election and America goes to h**l, they will blame the Republicans as usual.

  11. They might end up with their boss referring the Justice Dept. on them, like he did the other day in their shameful attempt to squash the free speech rights of a billionaire in Texas.

  12. You mean his terrorist bother, or the other brother with ties to the Chinese Mafia?

    Isn't the OBAMA family "Special"?

  13. Wow, they would be SHOCKED to find out about BaRacks past..They would probably say repubs re-worked the internet that Algore invented to make omaba look bad.

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