
Now that all of the American players have been defeated, shouldn't they discontinue the French?

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Does anyone care who wins the Tournament now that all of the American men & women have been defeated?




  1. Don't be such a xenophobe!  Tennis belongs to the world, not just to Americans, and the French Open in particular is not the place where American men tend to do well, except for the period between 1989-1999, when American players Chang, Courier (twice), and Agassi all won at Roland Garros.  The American women on the other hand have had a lot of success there every generation, with Chris Evert holding the record of 7 singles titles at the French Open. But this century so far is a European-dominated era in Paris, and by European I mean Belgian, and by Belgian I mean Justine Henin, who of course is now retired.  But don't hate just because all the Americans have lost early.  There's always Wimbledon to look forward to.

  2. Spoken like a true inbred.

    The American players have become too fat & lazy. People like Roddick making millions from fashion endorsements just because he's got a great ars*e.

    The only sports the Yanks should stick to are American Football, Baseball, Ice Hockey & Basketball because nobody else gives a d**n about them.

  3. Uhh, just because they arnt from your country you dont care about them?

    You dont seem like a true fan.

  4. of course i care! do you watch the super bowl even if your hometown team isn't playing?

  5. I've never really taken the French seriously because it seems to be won mostly by clay-court specialists rather than the all-around best players.  There's something kind of illegitimate about that.  It certainly has nothing to do with Americans' lack of success there.

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