
Now that boxing fans see how underated paul williams is why do fans want to see oscar face margarito?

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so why do the fans want to jump to seeing MArgarito fight oscar and not paul williams again ? now that people are now questing how good paul i would think that would be a better fight . one win over a champion doesnt make u great antonio tarver is a perfect example




  1. Styles make fights. Williams is a bad match up for Margarito and there`s no money in it after Williams lost to Quintana. Could Margarito be victorious? Yes. Would it be worth it? Not outside of a little personal satisfaction.

  2. no paul williams is the kelly pavlik at welterweight, theres no way margaritas gonna beat this guy in a rematch

  3. I really don't believe Paul Williams is underrated. Like you said 1 win over a champion doesn't make you great. Looking at Williams record the win over Margarito is the only notable win he has over a great fighter. he won and lost one to quintana and Cotto easily destroyed Quintana. If you can downplay Margarito's win over Cotto how do you not downplay Williams win over Margarito??

    In that fight i believe Margarito just didn't prepare well. If he would have won, it just would have been another win over another under the radar fighter. A good prospect yes, but not a proven fighter that would launch him into stardom. I believe he underestimated Williams thats all. If you saw the fight he was clearly having a bad day. He started off way too slow. So slow he used that fight as motivation to start off faster in his following fights. In the later rounds he clearly started to get to Williams landing some good shots it was just too little too late.  And his stamina was nowhere close to as good as it was in the Cotto fight. He didn't have his best stuff that night. Not even his good stuff.

    I believe williams is a good fighter but not good enough to beat a prepared Margarito. I believe it would be much like a replay of the cotto fight. Yeah paul williams might land alot like in the first fight, but how many times did he hurt Margarito?? Margarito did manage to rock Williams tho. So in the rematch i think it would be the same. Williams punching and running. By the 6th round he starts to tire. Margarito starts the pressure. And in the final rounds he stops Williams or wins a decision.

  4. everyone wants to see Oscar face Pacquiao but what about Manny vs Antonio i would like to see Margarito vs Williams 2 first because we all know Margarito is a better fighter than the last time they faught what a difference a year makes Margarito learned alot in their last fight with eachother after that fight witch i think Margarito would be victorious this time around i would love to see Manny Pacquiao move up to welter weight or jr welterweight to face Antonio Margarito that to me is a great match  up both fighters would be non stop and at a pace of the fight would be crazy with each fighter throwing over 1000 punches each i love both of these fighters dearly and ps i am so happy for Antonio Margarito's win last night he deserves every moment of it congradulations Antonio

  5. After Williams "lost to Quintana"?! He knocked him out in 1 round in the rematch.  Give me a break!  Williams / Margarito 2 would be awesome.  Especially if Williams trains for it.  But, Oscar fight would be great because I despise Oscar and 2 I want to see Margarito get paid.  After he quickly dispatches Oscar then I would like to see him fight Williams again.  Better for boxing, better for Margarito who deserves a big pay day..

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