
Now that britain has practically pulled out of iraq and ireland?

by  |  earlier

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is it now time for a war on the enviroment so instead of spending billions on building tanks and guns lets spend it on turbines and solar systems etc..




  1. We're already at war with the environment. Do you mean we should be improving diplomatic relations with the environment?

  2. No...they'll still build tanks and guns to enforce their ridiculous green laws at home and abroad.  Your rulers expect everyone ELSE to do without...they certainly won't.

  3. Unless you want to export the accumulated wealth of your country to oil sheiks and destroy the ecosystems that will support your children, yes.  The best prospects for Britain are tidal and wave generation.  Start investing in your future.

  4. You must be joking!  George Bush still has a few months left in the white house...there must be somewhere left where we can show our unbridled support for him, and take our army & show off our might ;-) Ever heard of the word 'swansong'?

  5. Yeah, let's declare war on the environment by building solar systems... wait, what?

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