
Now that gas is $5 a gallon here in Ca. what do you think it will be by the years end?

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Now that gas is $5 a gallon here in Ca. what do you think it will be by the years end?




  1. things are soo hard  now a days, maybe 12 dollars.

  2. That is a good question.  It depends on what the dollar does, the OPEC nations do, and what the economy does.  It could be 2 bucks a gallon or it could be 7 bucks a gallon

  3. $10.00 a gallon by the end of the year

  4. omg, what the eff, a couple weeks ago, gas was in the low $4's but then like 2 weeks later, it went to almost 5 dollars.

    at this rate, probably $20 a gallon ):

    and my school cut down on classes........ i only have 6 classes instead of 8 D:

  5. The price of gas will RISE , and keep riseing  what price  will it get to $5 or $10 or $20  as  Al Gore and the Global Warming lie keep forcing gas prices through the roof.

    FACT there is NO GLOBAL WARMING the earth  has been cooling for the last 10 years? This is true , as the  UNITED NATIONS INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMAT CHANGE  has acknowledged  this FACT., so why high gas prices, ask Al Gore? were is your GLOBAL WARMING? WHY HIGH  GASS PRICES?THERE IS NO HONEST REASON GAS PRICES ARE THIS HIGH? GET REAL AL GORE TELL TRUTH  DEBATE ME ON TV TELL THE WORLD HOW we are in Global warming Yet THE EARTH IS COOLING OVER THE  LAST 10 YEARS WERE IS GOLBAL WARMING AL GORE YOU LIE TO AMERICA. Posted by a AUSSIE that cares for the world and everybody on this planet, I WILL NOT LIE 4 ANYBODY. TELL THE TRUTH AND PROVE YOUR LIE " GLOBAL WARMING" THE EARTH IS COOLING OVER THE LAST 10 years?Al GORE COOLING IS  NOT WARMING go back to school Al you stupid stupid man ( this is my own opion based on the FACT  the earth is COOLING if COOLING NO GLOBAL WARMING SIMPLE)

  6. I would say by the end of the year gas probably will be around 10.00 per gallon

  7. About $20.00 pr gallon may be.

  8. it will only go up until we get a pres. who doesnt have his head up his ***

  9. if things keep going i,d say almost $10 but the prices could fall due to a collapse as well

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