
Now that gas prices are dropping in the United States, what do you think will happen within the next 2 years?

by  |  earlier

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A) Drop down to exactly $3 per gallon

B) Skyrocket up to between $5 and $6 per gallon




  1. what are you talking about?  the price of oil jumped up 6 bucks today, so i imagine gas will follow

  2. They will fluctuate, they will drop and go up on an ongoing basis, and unless something drastic happens to the world price, I believe we will not go below three dollars per gallon, if indeed we get to that price at all.

  3. C) most people will stop caring about alternative forms of  energy ....and that is a shame

  4. B or worse they will reach ten dollars a gallon if the oil industry thinks they can get away with it!

  5. they are on the way back up since the Georgian/Russian Conflict....

  6. They Will let them drop a little to succer you back into your SUV's then kick it up to 6-7 dollars a gallon

  7. B I believe that The world has reached the peak!  The US is #1 in the use of oil and in the future its not going to slow down. So lets drill? The large untapped oil field in montana would be gone in about 175 days At current use so you guess it!

  8. The chicken littles will find something new to whine about. It happens every time.

    Vietnam war

    Hole in the ozone

    Over population



    Gulf war

    Acid rain

    Global Warming

    Iraq war

    Gas prices

    Something will come along soon to capture the hearts and minds of the American obsessed. And it will be doom and gloom all over again.

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