
Now that i have a niche store, how can i drive traffic to it?

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I have finally started my own site, but unsure how to drive people to it. It is an EBAY affiliated site. It is easy to tell your friends and family to check out your site, but of course they will support you., but i want REAL traffic. Please provide me with suggestions!!! I would like to know all options--free is good, but if i have to pay, that is fine too..




  1. check out my blog it will teach you exactly how to get quality traffic to your site:  

    and if you wanna find some of the top paying affiliate programs or learn about adsense you can check out this other

  2. Submit your article to the search engines, make sure your keywords are straight, and make sure you have a lot of content on your main page (text).  Plug your site into to get Google bots to start crawling it.  Get as many hard links as possible.  You can get a free hard link at as well as great links to additional SEO articles.  Hope this helps.

  3. There are plenty of ways to promote your site.

    1)Article Marketing

    Really a powerful method in getting audience. Write a good article based on your niche topic and submit it in article directories. Just go to google or yahoo and search for "free article directories". It will suggest you a host of directories that you can easily submit your writings. When people surf in that certain directory, they might stumble into your article and you got all the fame needed to be successful in Internet Marketing.


    This method is just like the article writing. You write what you want but good contents for your audience in blogs. The better you got, the more audience you get. You can also submit the same contents that you wrote in blogs in article directories. You get instant viewers if your article is in top 10 within your niche

    3)Offer free stuffs

    It's always good to get free stuffs. Everyone likes it.So offer some free stuffs such as e-books or software for your audience. You will get a good, loyal and repeating audience. If you are looking for FREE e-books to market it in your site, check out this link. provides a host of e-books on internet marketing. The e-books will be updated weekly. So hurry up and get your best one soon.

    4)E-mail Marketing

    It's as easy as ABC. Just promote your site to all your online contacts using e-mail.Write a good email that will attract your audience. If you got the contents right and able to convince your contacts , you are on your way to success.

    5)SEO-Search Engine Optimization

    Check out for HOT tips on s****.>
    6)You Tube Videos

    Use free videos from you tube and paste the links in your site. People like video tutorials better than articles or e-books.

  4. Read as much as you can, I have ebay affiliate sites and the more I read and implement, the more money I bring in. You can find some good books in the library and you can get some ebooks from here:

  5. Look

  6. Hello ..!!

    Friend i am Rajat Chugh a webmaster i also going with the niche marketing i can make u earn through u must do SEO for ur niche just like by submitting articles on article websites

    or some kind Ezines... !! artcles.. with higher page rank

    leave your links on end Ezine allow upto two links .. allow upto 3-4 links

    Article directory allow upto 2-3 links

    or by just making some blogs and leaving comments on high page rank blogs and leave ur links over there its drive traffic to your website

    i made a listing over ebay

    You Can check our income proof when ebay affiliates network with CJ.

    We even do SEO on certain charges of 550 $ per/mnth

    For details Please Contact us

    Gtalk Users :

    Yahoo Users :

    Mail me :

    Our few Niche (under construction) (under construction)

  7. You don't have to pay but you do have to do the legwork.

    There are lots of ways to use marketing outlets that are:

    free, employ the resources of other web owners (legally) and


    You need to build links and build a web presence.

    Post blogs on sites related to ebay. Make them informational and be sure to include your URL so readers can access your site.

    Syndicate your own articles. Sites like and get your content and a link on other sites out there.

    Add a blog. This is an easy way to add new content to keep your site fresh and to build a site "community."

    List your site in retail directories.

    Make sure your site is optimized using Google Analytics in the Webmaster Central section of Google. You learn what's working and what isn't.

    Swap links with sites related to yours. DON'T swap links with sites unrelated to yours. Spiders hate that.

    Open free "billboard" accounts on MySpace, Facebook and other social networking sites. Make sure to include your site's URL like a dozen times.

    Upload a video clip to YouTube introducing yourself and your site.

    Join networking groups like Twitter and Linkedin. Lots of potential business synergies.

    Just remember: your marketing should be free, it should use other's resources (like MySpace and blogs) and it should be effective.

    If you find that one tactic is pulling better than others, cut back on the lesser-productive promotional activities and increase the ones that are working.

    It's fun. Try it.

    Paul Lalley

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