
Now that it's public knowledge that Bristol Palin is a loose chick, would this be the perfect time ....?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike invite her to join The Nolte's harem?




  1. You like sloppy seconds?

  2. Try..hey, ya never know, unless you try.

    Good luck :)

  3. I can haz cookies with all that milk?

  4. I think she'd be a fine addition.  Do I still get sloppy seconds?

  5. ha ha

    You'll have to wait until she's 18...she's still jail bait right now.  

  6. may as well...aint nothin growin back.

  7. After I interview her first.  It's my right as being senior member in the Nolte's Esteemed Harem.

  8. I guess. As long as I am your "Holly" (Hefner) of your harem.  

  9. No matter what your religious beliefs are, you have zero class!

  10. Bristol, is that her name? I'm guessing americans don't know that "Bristols" is a euphemism for t*ts...haha too funny wish she'd been at our school.

  11. Bring her on the more the merrier

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