
Now that it's summer I wake up very late, do I still eat breakfast?

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So I generally wake up between 12-1:30 p.m. Now that it's summer. lol. So do I still eat breakfast or skip to lunch?




  1. It really doesn't matter if you eat breakfast food or lunch food; you have to eat something. If you don't eat when you wake up, You'll be hungrier the rest of the day and eat too much at the evening meal. I snack several times during the day and that helps curb my hunger. I have to, with a 14 month old.  

  2. i disagree with every one here .. your breakfast even if it is 12pm you should still eat it .. cause most of the time you do the milk or juice thing and breakfast is the most strongest meal of the day if you eat the proper food.. if you don't fell like breakfast then try the juice with something for lunch but i wouldn't i would eat the breakfast something small then 3 hours later do the lunch .. this way your not letting your body down from your 3 meals a day... otherwise you might get sleepy .. and your also changing your course of food habits.

  3. whatever you feel comfortable with. it depends when you last ate the night before.

    and dont worry about the time! if youre hungry, eat!

  4. hahaha.. i do the same thing! just eat whatever you feel like! you can consider it "brunch"! thats what i do!

  5. thats what i do..i usually eat whatever feels right, sometimes ill eat breakfast, but most of the time eat lunch

  6. well, what i do is, if i miss breakfast, i just eat it when i wake up, or later as a little snack =], i would normally do the normal ruitine of waking up and eating breakfast when i wake up then lunch around like 3 or 4 then dinner around 7-8 ;x but i have summer school so yea ;x

  7. It doesn't matter what you call it as long as you eat something not too long after you wake up.

    Breakfast-like foods would be better for your stomach, though, being that you had just woken up.

  8. It doesn't matter what you eat, it still will be considered breakfast because it is your first meal. The meaning is to break fast, the period you didn't eat your body was fasting, when you ate you ended it hence breakfast.

  9. Lunch would be a good choice.  

  10. skip to lunch

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