
Now that most of the UK have Sky TV, isn't it about time the monthly fees were lowered?

by  |  earlier

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i mean they must be making ridiculous amounts of money how about it?

& not so many flipping repeats lol




  1. They should of been lowered a few months back!

    I have switched to Freeview now, I was spending £45 a month on all the channels. (That I rarely watched.)

  2. No, but maybe Rupert Murdoch could get the system simplified, so that a Sky charge was added to the TV licence fee,  which normally all goes to the BBC.

  3. Yes, nice idea, but not going to happen. They are in business to make money not to give you or I value for money.

    I also think they should allow viewing in Europe (most have it here anyway) but you are right about the repeats, it's a rip off from start to finish, but then t.v in general is not that good is it??

  4. Ha ha ha ha ha ...

    Capitalism = charge the Customers the Market price .... low prices are used to attract new customers ... now that most of the UK have Sky, IT'S ABOUT TIME TO PUT THE PRICES UP !!!!

    Now they have almost run out of new mugs to scam for their  overpriced monthly fee 'Sports' channels, I expect them to switch over to a 'pay per view' model .... (again)

  5. Most of the UK subscribe to Sky, Are you sure?

  6. you're kidding aren't you? With the monopoly they have over the digital TV market, the only way their prices are going is up!

    Companies only reduce prices to attract customers / sales - once you have all the customers, there is no need to do this!

  7. You miss the point of capitalism and the free market economy.

    Once an organisation becomes successful then the 'success' has to be maintained for the shareholders. As success is measured in profits then there is an obligation to at least maintain the profit or even better, increase the profit.

    In a market with only 1, 2 or 3 big players, Like supermarkets in the UK, Prices are kept unrealistically high to maintain profit to satisfy the shareholders.

    You'll never hear of a company who would be willing to reduce the profits they make. Bill gates could have GIVEN away software for years and he wold still have $60 billion dollars in his back pocket!

  8. If only big businesses thought like you!

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