
Now that new ice core evidence shows CO2 comes AFTER global warming, why is this AGW theory still around?

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Sure, in the beginning it looked like there was a tight correlation between CO2 and global temperatures. The theory of CO2 being a driver of climate change was born. But more recent data (more accurate measurements) have proven that the increased/decreased CO2 levels follow warming/cooling by about 800 years. And they now know why this is ("outgassing" of CO2 from warmer/cooler oceans.) I don't know whether man causes climate change, but it's been proven now that CO2 doesn't cause it. Why are we still talking about CO2? Did someone not get the memo?




  1. Al Gores "people" are sheep you cannot force them to think for themselves.

  2. This is because the truth, and real sicentific research, is rarely found in the global warming discussion.  Global warming is political science, not science.

  3. no. CO2 and temp feed of each other its far more complex then you are saying. it has not been disporven that CO2 causes climate change. only that in the past CO2 was not a major driver of climate that was dose by cycles in earths orbit and CO2 acted as feedback.

  4. First of all, the ice core evidence is not new.

    Secondly, are you suggesting that the greenhouse effect doesn't exist?  If you're saying CO2 can't cause the planet to warm, you're saying the greenhouse effect doesn't exist.  In that case, I would ask that you explain why Venus is twice as warm as Mercury despite being twice as far from the Sun, or why Earth isn't 33 deg C cooler than it actually is.

    For an explanation of what you're not understanding, see the website below.  In particular the section on carbon dioxide feedbacks.

  5. Because this time THERE IS NO 800 YEAR LAG.

    CO2 can be BOTH a cause and an effect.  In the past it was mostly an effect, and so there was an 800 year lag in the rise of CO2 behind temperature.

    This time there is no lag.  This, and many other pieces of evidence, is why virtually all scientists say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us, mostly by making excess CO2.

  6. In fact when the CO2 concentration reaches it's peak, the temperature always drops off.  Very high CO2 concentration has been shown to precede global cooling.  

    The theory that CO2 levels drive the climate by enhancing the greenhouse effect doesn't fit the world data at all.

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