
Now that our Princess Palin has given her terrific speech and bashed Obama, is it Fair Play now.....?

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And Can the Game begin? And should the Democrats equally attack her and not be sensitive about her gender?

Some highlights of her attacks:

"Some people will use change to advance their career and others will use career to change things. This American president journey is not for personal discovery. Small town Mayor has more responsibility than a Community organizer,Obama has written more memoirs than written legislatures etc...... So, I guess it is now going to be fair play on "attacks," no sympathy for gender. It is Equality all the way!!!




  1. I think Demos. should lash out at her now! Some things she was saying about Obama was not right.  

  2. Sounded more like statements of truth to me.  I guess to a liberal that would be bashing though eh?  

  3. The Gloves Are Off.......

  4. Some s****s use their vaginas to change things and some old men use their nursing home bodies to get to the white house to die. I hope she can really help him ruin ops i mean run the CUNTry.BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRing it on Rethuglicans.

  5. I am more interested in the investigation of her maybe having her sisters ex-husband fired from his state job. There is also talk about her firing a fireman because of his political views when she was mayor. I feel one of the biggest problems with all politicians is that they use their position for personal reasons. If she is guilty of using her position for this there is no way I want her as VP.  

  6. I think she is really fair game now.

  7. go after the ICE QUEEN

  8. We've been at her since she's been announced as VP. However, I believe she fully deserves it. Her politics are compromising with themselves.

  9. They have been all over her since day one and she has showed no fear.  Maybe now the press will drop the BS and stick with the issues.  

    By the way, no one has asked for sympathy because of gender, just a fair shake.  Going after her children and questioning her ability to be VP and a mother was out in left field.  

  10. Actually Eva, questioning her ability to be a mother and VP is not that horrible of a question.  I am a pretty liberal feminist.  I have a 3 year old, it wasn't that long ago that he was 4 months old.  4 month olds require a lot of attention from their mothers and our country requires a lot of attention from our leaders.  So, in this case, the question is not irrelevant.  Fact is, babies need love and attention and need to bond with both mom and dad.  A conservative like you should know that better than me, since you belong to the moral party, right?  

  11. She aint affraid!

  12. don't own a television in this day and age?  You must be roommates with Obama's half brother!

    At least she attacked him on policy and experience...all the left can do is wail and nash their teeth while dragging her family through the mud.  the truly frightened are truly revealed and Obama will go down in a historic landslide.

  13. Typical 'everythings ok for us to do' selective memory/hearing, can't live by their own rules, whiney Liberal. Everything she said was so true. Thats what youre mad about. Perhaps the Obama campaign could counter attack with a commercial reminding America that according to his Reverend that he listened to for 20 years, White people gave Blacks people AIDS and McCain is also White. Goofy goofy Liberals.

  14. Are you for real?  They have been all over her.  

  15. She's been attacked since McCain made the announcement.  Are you kidding?  

  16. Yes, I say hammer her.  

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