
Now that our goverment is taking over fannie and freddy mac will you demand a compleate audit of both?

by  |  earlier

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and will you demand they go after the people who lied on the app the agents who submitted the app knowing the lie was there and the ceo's who oked the new guidelines for credit that let you get 300.000 dollar loans with no proof of income




  1. All that AND shut 'em down for good. The time when we need a quasi-private government agency to guarantee home mortgage loans is long past.

  2. I think that is a great idea.  If we find any evidence of illegal activity by the executives we should also punish them to the fullest extent of the law.

  3. I heard they don't audit the Federal Reserve bank.

  4. I would hope a complete and transparent audit would be mandatory.  Basically, what happened with Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac were profits were privatized, and a lot of people got very rich while our economy was humming along, but as soon as there's a hiccup, the losses become the public's responsibility, and the same investors that got rich run for the hills.  There's something obscenely wrong with that, and if taxpayers are going to take a bath on the bailout, we better get to the bottom of what went wrong and why.

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