
Now that prices have gone up, will they ever go down?

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Prices on Everything has gone up tremendously as your all aware. I have never seen prices on anything go down once they go up. Is $4 a gallon going to be the new price we pay from now on, and $4.17 for a gallon of milk? For the first time, I'm actually scared about what this means.If this keeps up middle class will become the new lower class.




  1. Actually gas has been dropping in MA the past couple days ... A couple cents each day and the price of oil has gone down this week.

  2. eventually yes, but by than it will be to late for most of us.

  3. Absolutely!

  4. Yeah, if the bubble bursts or the dollar re-values.

  5. It is a global problem now.In the poor countries and undeveloped prices are sky high and poverty is increasing.I really hope they come down.

  6. Gas prices may come down a few pennies, but I think once they have us accustomed to $4 gas, they have no reason to lower it no matter what the market dictates or supply and demand dictate.  It will only effect future prices.

  7. unless its a sale i very much doubt it!!

  8. I hope that prices do drop down! I highly doubt gasoline will ever go down, and as long as the price of gasoline stays up, the prices of every type of product will not drop. Since practically everything is delivered to stores and some products are made of petroleum bases, their prices will still be high.

    And I think if these prices stay like this, companies will think that people will be forced to get used to it in one way in another, so if the price of gasoline and petrol decreases, these companies will probably not reduce the price of anything.

  9. Now that price of oil has receded from $147.00 to $127.00 and gas gone down by of a tenth of cent the stores ie. cannot increase prices because the cost of petroleum (oil). I personally think these these companies had a large amount of these items in reserve before the price of oil went up.

  10. Theirs a Chance That it Could Very Well Happen! It All Depends on Stock Like DOW, S & P 500, NAQ. If these stocks go up dramatically And they have to Stay that way for a while so that company`s can make Money$ So if they Manufactures make Money$ then They  Can <Lower Prices All Over The USA So Basically Probably but Stocks would have to go up Big Time and Stay at  a Balance and Company`s Make Money$!

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