
Now that residents of DC will be treated like (most of) the rest of us how long until their gun crime drops?

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Yes, it's finally happened: residents of Washington, D.C. with no criminal backgrounds, domestic restraining orders, etc. will FINALLY be allowed to legally own firearms for the protection of themselves and their families and for sporting purposes.

If past patterns hold, gun crime by punks will begin dropping significantly as soon as most of the permits for law-abiding citizens have been processed.

I wonder how the in-denial left will spin this fact once it occurs. My guess is that they'll go at it in a way similar to the surge in Iraq: scream about how "It won't work!" and after it's shown unequivocably to be working they'll just shut up and "move on" - as they like to say after their public defeats (read: when you lose, pretend like the entire affair never occured (VERY mature)).




  1. DC was a slaughterhouse to begin with.  Adding more guns will only make it more so.

    The answer to gun violence is not MORE guns!

  2. Isn't it amazing that a city with a gun ban in place for 32 years has topped the list as the murder capital of the world more than once?

  3. Monitor the stats for the next year or two. It most likely will. Just like the figures for home invasions and arrmed robberies sky rocketed in Austrailia after their gun ban.  Funny thing, when guns get out lawed only  out laws still have guns....It's funny how a hoodlum will thing twice when they don't know who has a permit!

  4. Actually, gun related "incidents" - how they're reported, regardless of the circumstances and if the good guy or the bad guy has the gun - will probably increase slightly, at least initially, if the folks who are no longer prevented from owning them use them the way they ought least they will rise according to statistics (remember, responsible gun owners almost universally report when they've had to use their weapons in self defense, whereas criminal gang members rarely report the misdemeanor killings that go on amongst themselves - whatever gets found out by means of police investigation is all that gets reported statistics-wise).  

    The anti-gun/anti-self reliance left is SALIVATING over the spin they will be able to put on that set of numbers.  I can already hear the condescending news reports of the DC bloodbaths ....meanwhile, exponentially more people will drown in their own swimming pools than will be injured by a firearm and no one says anything about getting rid of all those killer pools (I need to be quiet before they start getting big ideas about that - thank goodness they're distracted by outlawing fast food at the moment). Look out - it's THEM we need protection from.

    All kidding aside - GOOD for DC and it's responsible citizenry - I'm sure they'll do us all proud and the crime rate will drop substantially in short order - they have been trapped in Murderville for long enough.

  5. chicago's next!!!!

    did y'all see daley lose his mind over it?

    it was the single most hilarious moment the guy has ever had.  and he's a worse speaker than Mr. Bush or Mr. Obama!!!

    EDIT:DOH!! forgot to answer the long is the waiting period?  three days?

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