
Now that she won N.H......does this mean Hillary is going to stop crying?

by Guest56488  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike least until the NEXT primary.?




  1. She'll keep on playing the gender card as long as it works for her.

  2. probably not, only now she'll probably say it's tears of joy. crazy woman.

  3. Not so long as it's working for her.

  4. If you are opposed to her give the facts-what has she really done to deserve your criticism NOT her gender, not her physical appearance, not how her voice sounds, and not the flaws of her spouse. None of those are being used concerning any male candidate. And the ganging up by Edwards and Obama at the debate leads me to reconsider my support for either Edwards and/or Obama.

    I recommend that people see the movie "Iron Jawed Angles" for a more enlightened view of women in general.

  5. Positive reinforcement does not beget extinction of behavior, but only promotes it.


  6. GOD I hope so.

    Am I the only one who thinks that was among one of her calculated moves?

  7. No need for her to cry anymore. Bubba has got two slime balls from his campaign to work on hers, James Carville and Paul Begala. Let the mud start to flow. This shoud be interesting. Stay tuned.

  8. You know those tears are not real in order to have real tears you have to have emotions and to have emotions you have to a caring person.

    So that leave Hillary out.

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