
Now that the 360 has received a huge price drop, will the same happen for the PS3 in the near future?

by  |  earlier

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I would rather have a PS3 than a 360, so I was just wondering.




  1. Not this year. And production cost of PS3 is much higher than 360's.  

  2. eventually yes. Then some better console will unleash. Heck, I won't be surprised when games start letting you play actual people!

  3. If they do drop the price it probably won't be a huge chunk. I would definitely assume it won't drop any time his year. However I hope they'd at least start making some holiday packaged ones where you get at least one to two games besides the usual demo discs they set up for the first run of systems. If they sell horrible around and through the holidays then expect the big drop in price.

  4. The 80gb model has been dropped to $400. This fall, they are introducing a 160gb model for $500.

  5. its not really that huge i mean the basic got a 80 dollar price cut its a drop but not that much also the 360 does break down the rrod i hear it happens 2 alot of them even my cousins halo xbox broke down and they sent him the upgraded 120 gb for no extra charge  

  6. i hear that sony will do the same and drop the price tag of the PS3 to 399.99! i've been wanting to get my hands on a PS3... i have a couple of friends that have the PS3 or the xbox or both (the ones that have both almost never play the 360 except for Halo and a handful of games)... and after playing both i really want the PS3.

  7. well maybe in 2009

    since sony denied any price drops this year

  8. Well, probably it will happen in the future but more time then the X-BOX 360, the PS3 it more money then it so it will take some more time then X-BOX. I think you should really get 360 though XD

  9. sony has continued to say that there will be no price cuts this year.

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