
Now that the Government can import skilled labour?

by Guest45232  |  earlier

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from elsewhere in the EU, what motive will it have for helping native workers upskill or improving our educational standards/making training accessible to all (which it isn't at the moment)?




  1. Very few European countries have skilled workers to import, NVQ are national qualifications not international, places like Poland, Hungary, Albania,Czechoslovakia and that area have very little when it comes to skills so all we would be importing is problems and criminals we already have enough of them here so it does seem pointless.agreed Germany France, and the Scandinavian countries have the qualifications but they certainly wouldn't want to come to this s---hole.

  2. Importing skilled labour may be a good idea but ONLY if you export the unskilled one to wherever they came from !

  3. All the skilled Labour is going home because britain is too expensive and the Pound isn't worth as much abroad.  So it'll be interesting what effect that has here.

  4. In theory the motive is our long term economic prosperity.  If you don't train the locals you leave yourself open to being flooded with skilled immigrants and being in the sh*t if they all leave.

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