
Now that the Law Enforcement has FINALLY confirmed that there was a body in CASEY ANTHONYS trunk, can we ?

by  |  earlier

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PLEASE lock this disgraceful and disgusting misfit of a mother up? She has made a complete mockery of the legal system. (mother of the missing girl in Florida)




  1. I highly belive that she is guilty of first degree murder. But, I can't say for sure.  

  2. what's taking the the bounty hunter so long to revoke her bail!!

  3. this makes me sick!  i'd gladly pull the switch to fry this disgusting b*tch.  any parent who can kill their child and live with themselves is a waste of oxygen.

    i pray there will be enough evidence to convict her

  4. We indeed can if police can prove that the mother was aware of the body in some way.

    Her lawyer might go for the stupid defense of "Oh, well, she didn't know her daughter was in there. Someone else must have put it in and taken it out without her knowledge."

    It would then be the prosecution's burden to prove otherwise.

    I hope she fries though... this creature is evil.

  5. Sad to say, but the story sounded like it was going to be ugly.

    What mother wouldn't go to the police immediately if their child was missing, and here this person waited weeks... and even then, it was because the grandma was asking questions not her.

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