
Now that the Olympic moved to London, will people finally see the plight of the British people under the...?

by Guest57026  |  earlier

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tyrannical, and inept Labour government, headed by Chairman Brown?




  1. You have a point there. In survey after survey, the Brits have been found to be among the most miserable in the world, and it's nothing to do with the weather. Here's one survey's finding:

    A quarter of the population fear a "hopeless future", one in three feels "downright miserable", and one in 10 thinks he or she would be better off dead.  

  2. No, we'll probably be ruled by the tyrannical and inept Conservative Government by then.

  3. Nope, they wont see the hardship and poverty many of us are living in either.

  4. wow comparing london to china is pathetic...   The British people are fine I have seen them recently.

  5. yes we all shall see it will be tough to beat china even though they had all the slave labor they could need.

  6. they might wonder what on earth has happened to london over the past few years

    they could go for days without hearing anyone speaking english ......

    i suspect many will feel very sorry for the state of our nation

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