
Now that the Russians have conquered Georgia's capital, are Florida and Alabama also at risk?

by  |  earlier

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ohhh. oh my, how embarrassing. I hope they think I was joking.




  1. I'm sure Ted Turner and Jane Fonda are happy....but whats going to happen to CNN? And will they change the Braves' name to the Reds? Will there be war with Cincinnati as a result?

  2. Wrong Georgia. The Russians conquered the capital of the country Georgia, not the state. No worries for Florida and Alabama, being part of the USA I would hope that Russia would not try that.

  3. Erm... Check your map. This Georgia is located in the Caucasus, near the Caspian Sea in Asia/Europe.

  4. woow

    that was good  

  5. That would be Georgia the independent state along Russia's border which splintered off from the former Soviet Union.

  6. You ought check out this:

    A friend of mine sent it to me. Notice that is the Red Army Choir and part of the Red Army Band in the background.

    I used to think of it as a sign that we surely won the "Cold War", but now I wonder if they are headed to Montgomery next.

    PS I can't help but laugh every time I see it...

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