
Now that the Springboks have won the World Cup will rugby standards improve?

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And will England stay with the heat of the pressure, think they will need motorbike to catch South Africa's wingers?

Love Nessie, in Bonnie Scotland xxxxxxxxx




  1. Sour grapes? Never. Scotland's hope, with their young inexperienced squad, was to get to the QFs. They did that. They're happy. No sour grapes. Sour grapes would be if the opposition won with a forward-pass. The Scots aren't used to winning, so when wins arrive, they love them. But when defeats arrive, it's no skin off their noses. It's a shame certain other rugby nations didn't think like them, rather than burning flags and sending death threats to referees.

  2. I don't know but is so good to think that Springboks are champions.

  3. My friends didn't believe me when I told them that some of the Scots were racist against the English but this 'question' and others that are equally racist have changed their minds. What right have you got to be so anti English?

    I would love us to win the rugby world cup but if we don't, we still have the pleasure of knowing we beat the Australians when everyone and their dog was saying we didn't stand a snowball's chance in h**l. Come on, life's too short to be so angry with people you've never met. Some of us are nice people you know!

  4. are you guys phsycic or wat coz according to the schedules,the match is on the 20th oct,but i however like you enthsiausiam coz zee Springboks are going to win for sure!!! lol..but its going to be a tuff match coz this has to be the year for Englan..go Byan Haban go!!

  5. You're probably right, but never count your chickens

  6. they don't play the final till next saturday, you're a bit premature with your statement. watch the match next saturday and enjoy the game.

  7. Springboks won?! Don't count your chickens before they are hatched! Even if they do, what is the rationale behind your thinking that standards will improve?! Can apply in the reverse too you know?! WOW you sure are biased in your thinking would have thought that you would have awarded the Cup to the All Blacks or the Kangaroos...but BOTH were beaten and eliminated in spite of the fact that the Rugby Ball is not all round!

  8. wow you must be living in the future up there in scotland if you know the result already!!

    Surprised you have computers in Scotland, thought you only had council estates, chips and porridge.

    lol. I love western highlands most beautiful place in world!

  9. I asked the perfect question about this that you should see, please look

  10. I can understand why you wouldn't want to mention Scottish rugby.  A bit tired of the sour grapes from the bleak north though.

  11. Err, they haven't won the world cup... the match is playing this Sat.

    South Africa's wingers? I think you are forgetting about England's Jason Robinson - one of the fastest players out there.

  12. Hey, hey....they havent won the Cup. Let the AB's be a good lesson for's anyones game, the Pom's might kick some SA *** yet!.

  13. RSA hasn't lifted the cup yet. Sure they won their last match 36-0, but this time England will have Wilkinson in the line up, and England will be a different team. The Springboks will have to send their hit squad out to eliminate him by halftime. (and you know they'll try, the dirty tossers)

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