
Now that the Yankees are eliminated from playoff contention...?

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How will they prepare for next year? Will Gardner play the rest of the season to see if you could start next year? Will Hughes come back to see what he can do?




  1. Erm, although I'm not a Yankee fan, I think that they're still in contention. But to answer your question, they should work on getting hitters who can hit constantly in the lineup protecting Jeter, A-Rod, and Posada, and also focus on improving their pitching.

  2. Well, I hate to break the news to you -- but the Yankees are not yet eliminated by any means.

  3. They are not currently eliminated.

  4. The Yankees are not eliminated from playoff contention.

  5. Hey Red Sox fan go home and don't ask pointless questions. It's still August, and it aint over.

  6. as of right now the yankees need to hope to get some guys back play hard for the rest of the season and see what happens about the playoffs

    when the offseasons comes around  they have to make some choices on who to resign who to sign who to trade and who to trade for

    pitching wise they will have Joba, Wang,Huges, Kennedy, Mussina, as starters but they need to figure out if they will bring back andy then their will be free agents like ben sheets and cc sabathia who will deffinatly be on the yankees list i would like to see them sign andy and sheets  and have a rotation like this Sheets Wang Joba Andy Mike

    they could put huges in the pen and make spot starts to let guys like andy and mike rest b/c of thier age and ship Kennedy out in a big trade

    free agent wise- what will they do with Giambi ? will they keep him or try and sign someone like Texiera ? if the angles dont pick up the option on Vlad that would be an awesome pick up and major upgrade from the aged ourfield and i dont think Abru will be coming back.

    The yanks need to get another catcher for after this season bc of posada and his shoulder

    I think they will pull of a blockbust trade this off season something like

    yanks send Melky Kennedy and Cano to the rockies for Holliday and Corpas

    I could really see the yanks with a new outfield next year something like vlad damon holliday and keeping nady to play outfield and1st

    i think cano is out he doesnt even look like he wants to be a yank and he is not producing like he should

  7. They are still in this if they can get their act together,  I don't think that they will, however.

    Memo to rob...Asker is not a Red Sox fan, clearly one of those Yankee Bandwagoners.  Which i suspect you might be as well.

  8. The Bronx Bombers should continue to play hard, although, like their doing with Gardner, they should experiment with some of the young guys to see where it takes them.

    They should keep trying hard to win games to build momentum for next season with such a talented group.

    Then theres the money, IN the offseason, try to snag a starting pitcer and an outfielder.

    They are not yet eliminated, but i agree on the idea they are a playoff long shot.

  9. lets not talk about that just yet they still have a shaot at october!!!!

  10. Funny. I could have sworn today was August 15, not September 30.

    You can make this question again when they're officially eliminated.  

  11. Apparently you know nothing about the wildcard race. The Yankees are not close to being mathematically out yet.

  12. "it aint over til its over"

    Yogi Berra

  13. All they can do now is spend some of Daddy's money in the off-season and pick up a couple stud pitchers. They have a few holes that need to be filled and I'm sure some heads are going to roll in the Winter. Girardo's should be the first on the chopping block followed by some underperforming and overpaid shot takers.

  14. Anything can happen I mean the Red Sox won in 2004 so why cant the yankees win now

  15. Since when are they eliminated?

  16. Well Hank Steinbrenner is already talking like they are out of contention, saying we will be back next year. I do believe they will be back next year, signing either Sabathia or Ben Sheets (perhaps both?) and possibly Manny Ramirez (he would like too stick it to the Red Sox). Obviously there main concern will be pitching and with their payroll, they should be able to land pretty much whoever they want.

  17. Who says they are eliminated?  Things may look bad right now but aren't eliminated since it's only August & I am not saying they make the play offs but again, they aren't eliminated.  Hughes will be back & I still say he is young enough to make a difference in the Yankee rotation in the future

  18. They are not eliminated as yet, only in many minds, not on paper.

    However they way they are playing, if you want to call what they have been doing past 2 weeks, as "playing", they are quickly fading. With 40 games left and 7 games back of Boston, anything is possible, especially with Yankees, but they just look plain awful out there. No consistency with their pitching except for Mussina, and their offense, well, what offense? Its dead. Their streak of consecutive post season appearances is most probably finished. However with their upcoming series against Tampa and Boston, and even Baltimore, they most definitely need to sweep to have a shot. Otherwise, you can be sure in the off season many moves will be made within the organization.

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