
Now that the deal was signed with Poland for the missile sites, when should we expect Russia to act?

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They said they would be forced to deal with Poland beyond diplomacy...I'm curious as to when this would happen? I haven't read any news after this point other than they are starting to pull troops out of Georgia. Do you think they are going to forget about Georgia to refocus efforts against Poland?

If they invade Poland, do you think that is a guaranteed path to WWIII? Or just simply another Cold War?




  1. As soon as missiles are lunched from Poland we are all in the past. Bush does not understand that USA is not too far from Europe any longer. Unfortunately we all are going to pay for this mess: and Russians and Americans and rest of the World. As usual...

  2. Russia will not invade Poland. That would be inviting WW3 which Russia cannot win without going nuclear which would destroy Russia as well as all others.

    Russia will use her power in other areas and dare us to do anything about it. She will start to work closely with Syria, Iran, and others and will go back to her old role of causing problems worldwide for the US>

    Eventually we'll have to stop her through the use of financial sanctions, world pressure and small military battles.

    If we do not stand up to her we're done as a world power.

  3. The Russians are doing nothing but driving countries like Poland to ally with the US.

    The Russians want to dominate and be able to dictate to countries like Poland.

    On the other hand Russia's neighbors remember how they have been treated in the past by them.

    The fact of the matter is that Russia is hoping that the US and Europe lacks a spine and allow ourselves to be bullied by them.

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