
Now that the green party is finally [this week] going to be electing its first [uk] leader, do you think...?

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that possessing a unifying figurehead is going to bring their party out of obscurity, and give them some visibility in the media....or do you think [in the modern celebrity driven culture] very much depends on how charismatic their [soon to be elected] leader is?

up untill now, they have only had a party spokesperson, not a single leader.

my opinion [for what its worth] is yes.

i think that whatever cause you serve, you need a banner to flock to....and in the media age, this has to be one individual, who can personify the aims of the party, and be a personality the public can identfy with and vote for.




  1. they should jointly ask Carol Thatcher and Boris Jonson to take on the mantle of fighting against the worlds destruction, start by eradicating China India Pakistani Iraq Iran Egypt Turkey and all the rest of those wishing to kill the infidel west

  2. I don't think anyone would care! The Green parties policies are ridiculous and over the top, I guess a small article would be donated to them in each paper. Think how hard it is for Liberal democrats to get any recognition.  

  3. Blimey catweazle now where did i put my bicycle!

  4. this is boring, ithink your mum is more interesting sometimes i spank her as she carries on. One day she'll get there, for now i have your sister in my bed

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