
Now that the hurricane is over, will Bush and Cheney appear at the convention?

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  1. The hurricane is not over yet. They will speak to the convention by satellite.

    If he went you'd complain about the expense and gas.

    He could do no right in your eyes

  2. As a Democrat, I sure hope so!

  3. Nope. tonight was their scheduled night and I don't see any television coverage.  

    Republicans support Bush 100%, but the independents they hope to attract may have been turned off by Bush and Cheney - so they are thinking they are better off, I believe.

  4. Unfortunately, the Republicans aren't ashamed of them or at least they aren't ashamed of them enough.  Why do you think McCain sounds just like Bush? His entire campaign is based on a 3rd Bush term.  Look at his pick for VP.  She is NOT experienced at all in federal government.  She knows nothing about foreign policy (neither does McCain by the way).  And, she is a radical creationist, anti-abortionist who belonged to a sepretist independent political party that is working to get Alaska to succede from the U.S.  I don't fiind McCain's judgement to be sane let alone good for the country.  It's right in lock step with the Bush policies, including hiring people who are not qualified to do the job of VP or other government offices.  That said, I do hope Cheney and Bush speak.  The rest of America hates them and I'd love to see their mugs on television lying to the country again.

  5. Nope, it is unfortunate but I have a feeling that a video feed is all you are gonna see of Bush.  And Old Man Potter, ummm Cheney will be absent too.  From the article linked below it appears that the delegates at the convention are relieved they're not there.  What a surprise lol.

  6. It would make me smile to see McCain and Bush, arm and arm, with Cheney cheering in the background. What more could this do to ensure an Obama victory!  Will it sway voters to see McCain partying with the Corrupt Bush Administration, ABSOLUTELY!!!!!

  7. No, there's hurricane Hanna approaching and tropical storm Ike out there, they'll still find a convenient way to get out of it

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