
Now that the neoconservatives have messed it up with Russia, are they going to beg Iran for help to contain?

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Just curious...;-p




  1. No - they didn't mess up.  Russia messed up when they invaded Georgia killing innocent civilians!

    BTW - If elected, I expect Obama bin Biden will offer up Georgia and all the former Soviet countries - to Putin on a platter.


  2. Great question and look how they run from it LOL well lets see I'm not completely updated to the current level of Bush,s goof in georgia I still think the elections may be rigged and McCain may win we must consider that part of the goof as well It is unlikely bush/Cain would talk with A-Jad about anything as the JEWS are still going to bomb Iran I suspect a" foul" as they say  only Obama has the respect necessary to sit at the table with Russia & Iran and seriously get a peace deal worked out,polls indicate Obama is not rising like the star he is anyway the answer is NO WAY... good day mi Lady  yours DINO

  3. No, because the American foreign policy is dominated by Jewish lobbies, and they see Iran as the BIGGEST threat to Israel; Russia, they think, they can control with economic incentives or trade sanctions--even though they must have figured that Ossetia and Abkhazia are lost causes. Because Iran is hellbent on developing nuclear weapons to protect its very existence, carrot and stick approach will not work.

  4. I don't think so. What Washington is in fact doing is preparing for Nuclear war, a first strike strategy. You won't hear that in the mainstream or even most of the alternative media but in their twisted view they messed nothing up and everything is going according to schedule and plan.

  5. Yeah it is about oil.

    Georgians messed it up.

  6. How in the world can Iran contain Russia ? The reverse would be more probable.

  7. According to Israelis DEBKAfile:

    Russian admiral said  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœOur Black Sea fleet can destroy NATO’s group in 20 minutes”

    Is this true ? Why mainstream media is not reporting it ?  Is US afraid of Russia might ?

  8. how exactly do you think anyone from the US has "messed it up". This is something the Russians did, not us.

    Now run along.

  9. Nothing I can say will sway you so instead I will stop responding to your completely inaccurate questions and just wish you peace and happy life.  Good day madam...

  10. They might but Iran won't give them the time of day.

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