
Now that the spotlight is on McCain, he's turning out to be a real rotten apple, isn't he? ?

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He's nothing like the carefully crafted image that he promotes himself as, is he?

That ridiculous image of him as a "maverick" with "integrity" that he sold to the public for so many years -- all that has melted away in the intense heat of the spotlight. What's left behind is a dishonest, double-talking, temper-tantrum-throwing panderer without a shred of integrity. What he stand for now, other than that he's willing to do anything to smear Obama, is completely unknown. Through his own actions, he has discredited himself and obliterated his own illusion.

Was McCain ever a decent person at one time in his life? Or was it all just cynical product placement? Given the way he dumped his 1st wife and his involvement with the Keating 5, something tells me he's been rotten his whole life.




  1. What is really great is that with all McCains faults he is still a hundred times better than Barack the Barbarian, baby killer.

  2. Up until about 4-6 months ago, I spent the last 10 years or so having a LOT of respect for him.  Then I got to know the guy.  Wow.

    I wish SOOOOO MUCH that Romney had been the nominee on the Republican side.  I can't believe how profoundly disappointing McCain has turned out to be.

    I'm Obama all the way!

  3. I liked him years ago but he has changed over the years. Still trying to figure out why the under payed love him. He knows one thing money

    Says everything is going great h**l if I had his money I would say the same thing.  

  4. Just watch this video and tell me he's not a LOSER this November

  5. In my opinion, after carefully reading your question, there is no way that even God himself could smear Obama in your eyes.

  6. Democrat bad mouth themselves and this Country, look a Reid

    and Pelosi, Look at Kerry,

    (wanna know what snakes do)

  7. You are incorrect in everything you pander in this foolish question. McCain and his first wife agreed on an amicable divorce! He was absolved of the keating Five! And, as far as his inflamatory rhetotic re: Obama, Obama has earned every bit of ridicule, for he is the man without any soul.

  8. What's left behind is a dishonest, double-talking, temper-tantrum-throwing panderer without a shred of integrity. What he stand for now, other than that he's willing to do anything to smear McCain, and is completely unknown. Through his own actions, he has discredited himself and obliterated his own illusion.  Change Hope Yes We Can!

    Sen Obama, yes you have changed hope for America, yes you have.

    Good riddance.

  9. Yeah, it is sad. I think there used to be some integrity there, but I think that now he just desperately wants to make it to the oval office. I think the 2000 primary lost hurt him badly and made him realize just how much he wanted the position.

    Over the last 8 yrs he's been slowly working more and more with the neoconservatives (only now is he trying to separate himself from Bush since he has already made it past the primary round). He is getting older and realizes that if he wants to make it to the oval office it is now or never and he is playing dirty politics to get there.

  10. involvement with the Keating five? Just what was he charged with? And where do you question his integrity, the man has admitted that his first marriage has been his biggest personal and moral failure. He is wide open about pretty much everything. And I have heard about tantrums, haven't seen one. Though of course we all get angry at some time.

  11. Nice rant!  Your tlaking about an American Patriot and hero.  Go back under the bridge.....

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