
Now that the truckers are going on strike, do you think this will help?

by  |  earlier

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lower the gas prices?




  1. The strike is for 2 things, 1. Increase the freight rate and 2. Cost of diesel.

    Yes, I think it will get someones attention to lower the fuel prices at least we are hoping it will make a change. It's our last stitch attempt to do something before most of us go "belly-Up" we can not keep our companies going when OVER 1/2 of our $$$ is going into the fuel tanks.

  2. One day to get the point across won't help a bit. Any longer would just s***w up an already screwed up economy. Gas prices will continue to rise unless the government in connection with the oil companies do something about it. And with the greed in business, I doubt that will happen.

  3. it likely won't lower gas prices.

    this happened last year in canada , trucks drove slow across bridges during rushhour.

    they did finally make a deal with there employer and govt for a higher driving fee to offset some of the increased cost of gas.

  4. Considering that most truckers go throught up to 800 gal a week per truck depending on the run. I think someone will stand and take notice. The best by far was last time the truckers went on strike there was a movement where truckers went to D.C. and blocked the roads (all of them in and out) and shut down the city. The prices dropped fast. They need to do it again. I still say if everyone and I mean EVERYONE stayed home for 24 hours (on the same day) the prices would drop down atleast $1/gal overnight probabley more.

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